
tHe eVoluTion of aN eMaiLer ^_^

ya, since i'm back to square one..., no facebook, no twitter...
i can ONLY(99.99% true, of this statement) be contacted via email...

i thought about the years i've spent my time on email...
i started with eudora back in Uni... as i'm not an I.T. grad at all... i've no idea what a pop mail is..
and i've always wondered, why my emails appeared in one of the PC in our lab, but not in another PC...
since i discovered email... i've spent most of my time in the PC Lab, as a geo student... probably the only one...

then, my first job...
as we're on Sun SPARC machines, ie. Unix OS...
and the email client we used was netscape...
ya that time, i knew nothing about "internet explorer", (no need to even mention/dream of things like safari, google chrome, or opera)
and i only know how to launch netscape browser, and that version, you can use it as an email client too... (can't remember what version already)

I was using PINE, and I kept email, email and email…
Till my colleague asked me, if I was writing a book… ^_^

there were yahoo email, and hotmail for choice...
i came across yahoo email first, and of course, netscape email on its own, if not our work email...
yahoo email was the best in fact... and i was "bizarred" when my friend told me, she's "hotmail", i was thinking like, "what crap email is this, email and hot??"
that's old story...

however... as i'm a great sentimental person, and due to the fact that, email storage WAS TINY in those years (cos, storage was expensive)
i ended up created many email accounts, just to store emails, and attachments, and stuff...
if you ask me, ^_^ i probably can dig out some emails sent or received, back in year <2000... kekeke!! (well... come to think of it, nothing to be proud of really, only shows that, i was already quite an otaku...)

i've even had email accounts with domain which no longer exists anymore, for eg. email.com, mail.com (still exist, but not free anymore, i think...), ivillage.com (ya, ivillage used to provide email service to users), and go.com (the one with disney)...
long story cut short...

i still kinda maintain my email accountsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS after so many years... (don't ask me reason, simply i've nothing better to do, or i'll just say, i'm a great sentimental kind of person, like i've mentioned)
i did it in a simple way, ie. using poppeeper to check email, just to keep them activated...

and today... i'm only using gmail... as after using so many different type of mails...
web & client...
my opinion, gmail's the best webmail client...

oh, about email... there's another part of story... (to be continued)

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