"I think, therefore I exist!"
I first came across the word, "ergo", when I was watching anime, "ergo proxy",
oh!! I challenge you to watch this anime, and if you do catch the meaning, or the point of the story, please enlighten me!!
I do like the drawing, the setting, the characters too, (and that's how I came across Radiohead's Paranoid Android, which is still my favourite song till date) but serious, towards the middle part of the story, I was LOST!
and did I finish it??
ya, I still finished the anime series, without understanding the point of it, it's just like I forced myself to finish the chinese literature book, "the red mansion", without understanding the major part of it, and "what's the point?"!
that's how I came across this philosophical sentence, "ergo, cogito sum", (please wiki it!)
AND, to a certain extent, that's where I am today...
I've a lot of rants,
I've a lot of thoughts,
I've a lot of worries,
I've a lot of dreams,
I've a lot of ideas,
I've a lot of things to share...
and I've to write them down...
you maybe wondering why I just keep babble babble babble non-stop non-stop non-stop...
that's just who and how I am..
cos, I can't keep things inside...
(and just to side track:- that just make me, not a very good choice to be a mistress, haha!!! cos I can't keep things inside me, a perfect mistress character, they look kinda normal, and they're very "personal", they basically don't really share their life with anybody or confide in anybody, else, they'll just leak out the secret that, they're your mistress!)
if not saying it out, I just have to write it down, to get it off my head...
and I've to continue writing writing writing, cos, sometimes, there're just too many things popping up in my head, and that causes me sleepless night..
(and I do think that, all these contribute to my early greying!)
only by writing it down, (if not saying it out, last time when I was a teenager, I used to talk to friends over the phone, for 2-3 hours, late at night, those friends, ya, are the friends I still meet up until today, they're my precious friends, but now, most of the time, I'm left alone, wide awake, in the middle of the night, having too much, in me!)
I can kinda empty "it" a little bit, and go to bed...
only by writing it down, I'm rest assured that, in the future, I'll know, my life (mainly my mind) had come this way before...
only by writing it down, I can kinda be sure that, "oh, I've lived, and that I've existed!"
I'm not sure, how you, or any other people feel your own existence...
as for me, that's what I do...
but I'm pretty sure, doing something that you really love, or you really like, is basically a way for you to feel that you actually live, and you actually exist...
some people draw and draw and draw,
some people travel and talk to different people, (enlighten me please!)
some people help others, probably only through the appreciative eyes of others, they see themselves...
some people sing, some people act,
some people take photographs... (that's an interesting topic)
but I'm also quite sure that, none of it, will be something that's hurtful, or harmful in any way, to anybody...
cos, by nature, we all want to be good...
(so, don't tell me, only by smoking, or drinking, or gambling, or punching somebody, or taking drugs, you only feel that you live, or you exist...!!! in my opinion, if this is what you're going to tell me, it means, you've already been to hell, and just come back, ie. you've already lost hope in any sense, in any life, and your own life, and that's why only through these destructive way, you feel alive!)
serious, I'll be interested to know, how anybody, feel he/she's alive, or exists,
please do let me know...
as for me, to simplify,
"cogito, ergo sum!"
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