
2face remarkable traits...

  1. Apparently 2face took another level of her LICENSING SPECIALIST (it's a MS title, ie. a person who knows the MS licensing structure inside out and can sell, can talk to customers)… before all these 'come back' news came out… and that, 2face already happily told people, "all the LS in the company don't know as much as I do, anything you want to know, ask me!!", my opinion - "then, you do all lo!!"
  2. Apparently there's this new guy in the floor, and she kept talking to a person who sits next to this new guy, went to look for this 'neighbour' guy over and over again, and explaining the same slides over and over again, cos, she wanna LOOK AT THIS NEW GUY… and even this 'neighbour' knows that, he's been USED! Ha!
  3. Apparently 2face, plotting and planning for her comeback, but still holding the same attitude which sucks, ie. no difficult licensing job, no visiting enduser, bla bla bla… ie. left the office admin job only if you ask me…, and guess what, my dear ex-boss actually listened to her crap, and the next big thing is, SOLUTION MANAGERS, who're supposed to sell solution (be it MS, or IBM, or other craps) WILL BE DOING LICENSING! Ya, that's the crappiest thing that I've heard this year!!

And I told my source why bother about 2face traits? (besides the fact that I'm blogging about this)…
And the fact that my ex-boss will actually take her extra services as job… I really doubt her credibility in identifying a good WORKER, (as vs. good suck-up'er)
Imagine, a person, who's reluctant to see enduser, reluctant to do any slightly challenging MS licensing job, despite her much-boasted-bragged-about MS licensing skill, (she happily titled herself as LICENSING SPECIALIST, EVERYWHERE, ANYWHERE!!)
No hands-on experience, no enduser-facing experience, no selling experience, not even real-case problem solving experience, hiding behind the door, hiding behind a so-called big local SI company, only skill is bragging… her type of work, who will buy?? (well, besides my ex-boss)
Let's just wait and see!!
And imagine, a boss like this, manipulated by a creature as such, managing a BIG team as of this year…
I really do not know how the team will progress…!!!

Again, let's wait and see!!

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