
~~~tHe jOURney of ThE BREASTS~~~ (Part III)

Ever since I got this mastitis thing, there’s a persistent lump in my breast…
Since I’ve history of “lumpy” breasts (ya… that’s like 10 years ago… after that, I just didn’t bother to follow up, that time, nearly went for operation to take those lumps out… till I went to Dr. Susila in Gleneagle and she told me not to do anything about it, besides doing yearly checkup… else, all milk ducts will be taken away… ya, that’s like 10 years ago, while I was in SLB)
… I was a bit worried…
And a lot of “what if” came into my mind…
As I read from the internet… all about breastfeeding..
What’s mentioned mostly is,
Blocked milk ducts “go away” within 2-3 days, even after your engorgement, if there’s any lumps persist, you should go check it up…
And therefore my “what if”…
What if… after checking, it’s err… my most nightmare worry --> breast cancer???
What if… even it’s not breast cancer, but doctor advise me to go for operation to remove it??
THEN?? Aiya… my baby will have no milk to drink
THEN?? He’ll have no choice but to give her formulae while I’m staying in the hospital after operation??

You know?… that’s the thing about patient…
You know that you’ve to go see doctor and do a thorough checkup, but you’re just scared to know the answer… most of the time I’m like this, I’m really not a very good patient if you ask me…

And finally… today I went to see my dear Dr. Tan in SJMC for my post-natal checkup
Everything is ok, he said, if I were to work out for a second kid, I’ve gotta wait for 6 months… yeh!! It’s good news, cos, again, I read that, some need to wait for 2-3 years…
(however, I think I’ll wait for 2-3 years… when I’ll be “expertise” in handling baby)
Then I mentioned to him about my mastitis which was not treated and that there’s this persistent worrying lump…
And he scanned it for me… ya, look unlike my previous lumps… (which were mainly water cysts)
… he said, he’ll do some extraction to see what’s inside… as from the image, it’s some whitish lump within water…
He said he’ll extract with NEEDLE!!
WHAT??? NEEDLE, poking into my breast??????????????????????????????~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“painful or not?” (ya, since Dr. Tan is a man of few words, that’s the ONE question that I normally ask him)
He smiled and told me, just like normal injection…
Arrghh… again… dear all…
I just hate it… even after experiencing so much poking (during my caesarian, and after that, while I was on drip) I still hate it…
To the extent, even I were to think about it.. it’s still… arrghhh……….
But I guess, as women, you have no choice most of the time… you’ve breasts, you’ve uterus.. these are the things that men don’t have, and these are the things that sometimes, in one stage of your life… you just have to face the “problem” and give them some treatment… and one little thing that you can’t avoid is being poked, and being maybe… ‘cut’… arrgh…
So, he put a needle in there, extract something out… and phew!! He told me, it’s just milk… but since I told him, it’s stubborn and it just won’t go away, he told me, he’ll help me to extract the milk out…
He extracted around 3-4 rounds, to clear the milk inside…
Again, it’s kinda funny process.. I just look at the needle, still on my breast, while he will remove the syringe to pump out the milk extracted, and this… repeated for a couple of time…
And amazingly, really, lump gone!!
So, it’s really a blocked milk duct, and a damn stubborn one…
But at least, my “what if” won’t come true… and little baby will still have continuous supply of milk… ^_^

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