
More Notes on Bambino! (バンビーノ!)

ya... I just recalled one or two more notes on this dorama... (yes, somehow, this drama's lots of lifely meaning in it...)

1. Miyuki asked Ban, "who do you think, pay your salary?"...
Ban didn't get her question, and was like, "ha??", she then said, "do you think this restaurant/or its business pay your salary??",
"No! it's those capable workers, who pay your type of incapable workers...",
Oh!! how true, exactly as what I've said before... to my ex-coworkers... when a company, who's actually making some business, having some good revenue, yet can't afford to give out performance bonus and etc., ie. cos, all the "supposedly-our-bonus", is used to pay those incapable, dormant, sleeping workers, who sit there, do nothing but only all the talking, yakking, gossiping, sucking up, and back-strabbing, yes, something like all the BCC in his/her email??? yes, those workers... THAT's why, sometimes, a GOOD performing company/business, can't even give out some performance bonus, as token…

2. When Ban's finally got to work in the kitchen, able to cook his pastas... he's overjoyed... but then, quickly... he was "disoriented" when he met his old schoolmate, his senior... the guy asked him if that's what he wants for his life?? work work work all day, even during holiday, you gotta sleep, just to patch back your loss of sleep while you're working nearly round the clock in the kitchen?? yes, you do like cooking, but is that going to be your work, and your life's basically about your work, and nothing else?? you used to watch a lot of movies, and you seems to be very pro in giving review, so, what movies are you watching now??

all the questions, Ban couldn't answer...
he then told his co-workers, ie. the other cooks in Baccanale, that, he couldn't retaliate... he couldn't say a thing when the senior questioned him... and THAT he lost all his passion, just out of sudden, in the kitchen... he used to love to cook pasta, serve pasts so much so much, but then, suddenly, he didn't like everything anymore...
the rest, ie. Yona-chan, Yuki, Kuwa, all saw through him... and concluded that, cos, he's achieve what he wants, ie. work in the kitchen... be a professional cook, so, he's lost his aim in life, he's kinda lost his aim...
life lesson?? yes, we all need an aim in life, it can be anything, but yes, something, or a lot of things (better be something than a lot of things, else, you'll be disoriented again, unless you're the master of prioritization)... your aim can be seeing your kids grow up, or your family happy and sound... (oops, have I just mentioned my aims?? haha!) or you aim can be sitting behind the door, as the manager of the team, or the company...
or your aim can be moving to another country, and have a better life...
or your aim can be having even bigger and bigger house, or retire somewhere... that you like...
an aim...
an aim in your life, always...
that's why, in work, your boss always set a target for you, right?? that's the point...
yes, I know the importants of aim or target, but I actually didn't know that phase that Ban's just gone through... is an after-effect of achieving target... before you've found yourself another target...
yes, I didn't know, that's the reason, that's the cause... and if I don't know the reason, then, I'll think that, I really have lost interest in what I've always loved to do, and what I've always loved to be... and I may switched... I may change... but now... if you've already known the reason... then?? make sure before you're totally down and disappointed, about the job, about yourself, about life... quickly look for another aim/target... hey! it may not be an easy job... but then, haha... looking for a target/aim to achieve, IS an aim by itself?? ain't it?? ^_^ therefore... Gambaru Yo~


THAT! Truly IS a skill! (if you want to pick up, and be hated/despised by almost the whole world!)

  1. You suck up to your boss - truly seriously absolutely horrible suckup… serious, you praise him/her every single day, when there's windows of opportunity… and you buy presents to him/her… you become his/her driver for lunch, only when he/she's around… not when he/she's not around… (that, you'll make sure your co-worker do the driving!)
  2. You praise whatever your boss say, everything he/she says is CORRECT… and you've already known…
  3. You trash your co-worker's work, whenever there's chance…
  4. You praise your own capablity whenever there's chance… loudly, in front of your boss especially…
  5. You comments a lot a lot a lot a lot, damn a lot, on other people work, pick on them… implying that you can do a better job… but then, you'll never ever get your hands dirty by even correcting them, or take over and do it yourself, you'll NEVER dirty your hands…
  6. You take all your business partners business card, take all opportunities to attend events, functions, seminars, so that you can take those cards, THEN, you go back to office, and BRAG to everybody else in the office, THAT, these people know you, that, you're good friends, and these people will do whatever it takes, for you, cos, you guys are close… ALL THE BUSINESS CARDS'S OWNERS ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS, AND KNOW YOU VERY VERY WELL… ya, you insist that… make sure you insist, and you always repeat that to people!!! (WHEN LIES TOLD A ZILLION TIME, IT'LL BECOME TRUTH… ya! That applies to moron, ok?? Only the wise know the real truth!)
  7. When you attend meeting, you brag brag and brag, you tell people to quicken the meeting process, cos, you're so busy!! Ya, you make sure you tell people that you're busy, busy, busy, and really pretend that you're damn busy!
  8. When you need to make commitment, you'll go all the way, to call your co-worker in the office (the one who's doing the real work) even though, that means, you need to be constantly on the phone with the co-worker, like call-in for 20-30 times, just for that meeting you sit in?? To make sure that, it's the co-worker who SAYS those thing, not you!! REMEMBER? YOU'LL NEVER GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY, NEITHER WILL YOU GET YOURSELF INTO ANY COMMITMENT! If there's anything wrong, it's the co-worker's fault… if it happened to be a success story… oh! It's your credit!!
  9. Even if one day, your co-working "see beh tahan" you, and leave the job, you'll make sure you'll pester your boss (that's the point of sucking up to him/her, right?) and give him/her all sorts of reason, of course, one of the reasons is, YOU'RE SO BUSY!! So that, your boss will go and hire another new worker for you… oops! Yes, for you, in fact, not even for your boss… you're the real boss… hehehe… yes, you're the real boss… you know it very well… even your so-called boss, needs to listen to you, being manipulated by you…
  10. Even if one day, your co-worker who may have joined other team in the same company, as long as it's the same company… you'll make damn sure that, he/she will have to cover your fat ass… to do the "old" job, carry out the "old" task, as long as a new worker's not joined… cos, you're always so busy!! (yes, others are not that busy, you're the ONLY one that's busy!!!)
  11. To simplify,
    Never dirty your hands,
    Never make any commitment,
    Always pretend that you're busy, and say it out loud, when you enter a hall, you start to mention it at the other end of the corridor,
    Always trash other people work, but no matter what, never help them with their work, though, you'll continue to brag that you know the work very very very well, damn well…
    Remember?? Remember ok?? Rules of thumbs…
    These, truly is a skilll…
    Seriously, truly…
    Where no human can adopt all… can learn all…
    Yes, no human can…
    Cos, that needs damn high level of lying skill, planning skill, shouting skill, thick face skill, back-stabbing skill… and lastly, when "attacks" come, crying skill, of course!!!
    Seriously, truly…
    It's not easy to find one with such skill…
    And somebody need to thank me for branding this skill set…
    a.k.a. THE 2FACE SKILL!

do you tell people...

When you've no money?
I mean, when you're buying something…
At least, you show that, you don't have enough…

For eg.
Buying a mouse (the computer mouse, not the real mouse LA!)..
I don't intend to get a super mouse, cos, I only need it for my work..
Therefore, upon entering, to cut it short, and not wasting time (in my opinion) I'll just tell the assitant, give me the cheapest mouse…

That's type A, say..

Type B, of course, the other way round,
You only have budget for the cheapest, or probably the second cheapest mouse in the shop,
But then, you pretend to look around, ask some question, (cos, you want to avoid asking, "which one is the cheapest?" and that, you think other will think that you're cheap!) and then, finale.. you took the cheapest one! ^_^

So, which type are you?

I believe...

Ok… I won't share the "original" details… and if you're one of those atheist or super against what I'm believing, stop here please…

I've some questions… (well… not really me, but somebody, ahem…) and due to my limited knowledge, though I've tried my best to answer… but then, I gotta asked my little angel… (ok, that's an old angel, my new angel now is my baby… ^_^ wa haha!!! Yes, she's an angel, and she's a gift from our Almighty God… and I pray every day that, God will send a guardian angel to her, and I believe so…)
Back to the topic… so, there's some questions I asked, and there's some answers (mostly satisfying, or I'll say, just like what I've known… I mean, what I've known, or what I've figured out, or, what I've learnt throughout my years as a not-so-active catholic… is not too wrong… is not too far off!)

There come the answers...

About "judgement day"…
Please read…

Ok I'm not sure if I've picked up the right light, ie. the right message, but the footnote:

14 [31-46] The conclusion of the discourse, which is peculiar to Matthew, portrays the final judgment that will accompany the parousia. Although often called a "parable," it is not really such, for the only parabolic elements are the depiction of the Son of Man as a shepherd and of the righteous and the wicked as sheep and goats respectively (Matthew 25:32-33). The criterion of judgment will be the deeds of mercy that have been done for the least of Jesus' brothers (Matthew 25:40). A difficult and important question is the identification of these least brothers. Are they all people who have suffered hunger, thirst, etc. (Matthew 25:35, 36) or a particular group of such sufferers? Scholars are divided in their response and arguments can be made for either side. But leaving aside the problem of what the traditional material that Matthew edited may have meant, it seems that a stronger case can be made for the view that in the evangelist's sense the sufferers are Christians, probably Christian missionaries whose sufferings were brought upon them by their preaching of the gospel. The criterion of judgment for all the nations is their treatment of those who have borne to the world the message of Jesus, and this means ultimately their acceptance or rejection of Jesus himself; cf Matthew 10:40, "Whoever receives you, receives me."

AND the jist of it, ie. BELIEVING…
The answer I got was,
To read the whole chapter of, 1st Letter of St. John,
(forgive me, I've not read yet… and I will…)

AND, regarding confession,
Yes, I know this will raise argument…
But then, let me finish first…
Cos, the answer I got, it's exactly like those that I've been reading of a counseling professional… (who's actually a buddhist) THAT… to overcome your fear, your worries, your whatever… (negativity) is to FACE IT!
And for us, catholic, to face it, is to confess it…
A lot of people are so against it… irregardless this confession… or the counseling part, to really face it, (watch INCEPTION, again, the same blogger actually psycho-analyze the whole show… which I can barely understand the jist of it… but then, I thought it was a damn good piece of work!)…
You may claim that, you've face it, you've overcomed it,
But doesn't the same fear, same negative type of feeling, or anger, or whatever frust, still come back ot you??
Cos, you've not realeased yourself from it…
There comes, the real confession… yes, that's the way I understand…
Real or not real… I'm not the spokeperson, but that's the way I understand…
In the end, your argument's not about repentance, not about your sin, not about your trying to overcome it… trying to face it…
In the end… your argument's will just be… who's the power?? Why should THAT person be given the power? Why can't I just forgive myself, and bla bla bla bla… so, that's not the point…
Cos, you still do not really face your fear, your worries, your weakness…
To face it, to overcome it, and to share it…


So, back to "anyway"…
Like I say, that's the way I understand…
And I've always like what Mother Teresa's quote…
Again, it's the jist of all things, isn't it?
It's between me and God anyway…
Judgement or not?
Confession or not?
Believing or not?
And whatsoever…
Really it's between me and God, and it's between you and God…

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."

Lastly, John 10:9
I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.

And… good for the someboy who've asked me… that, I bothered to think… and bothered to find answer, and that, the answer's given… assuring to myself… as a catholic…

And… I've to say praise to The Lord, that He's given me this gift, to believe in him…
Hey!! To be able to believe, and to have faith… IS A GIFT…
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Forever & ever… pueh!

I used to think that, I'll like white coffee forever, after ditching the so-called "ang mor" coffee… (ya, unless I ask for double-shot of expresso, else, it's so little kick, and probably a little bit bland for me!)
But then, I don't know why, out of sudden, just a couple of days ago… I suddenly feel that, even the white coffee's nothing much left in me…
Ok, I still drink, "old town", "gold choice", "chek hup", among my favourite brands… but then, seriously, I don't find joy in drinking them…
Instead… somehow I got hooked onto chinese tea… (good move huh?)

It all started when I was spring cleaning my fridge, and (did I tell you about that?) I dug out the green tea from china, which we bought from shanghai back in 2004… (yuk! You may say, "still got taste?" well… tea is tea, I'm not that particular about stronger, or less aromatic, and whatsoever, it still has that tea taste, come on!)

And also, it all started when I thought of seriously drinking tea…
Well… "pai seh" to tell you, in fact, I've been struggling with teapots and so on…
I've been using the ikea teapot, 2 version, both are good, in a way, yes very good, ikea's stuff is basically value for money… but then, I'm more to the lazy type, the same thing (chore), if you expect me to do it over and over again, day by day, I'll feel fedup, and I may just ditch the "habit"… ie. washing the teapot with tea leaves everywhere… I mean, you gotta scoop it, somehow somehow…
Therefore, one day, I decided to grab those "tea bag" from Daiso…
And yes, it works…
NOW! I just need to pour the tea leaves into the teabag, which is big enough to give "room" to the leaves to steep… yes, apparently tealeaf needs room… ^_^

And now… I'm into tea… forever? Not sure, I can't tell…


Then, I used to… well… I was pretty particular about certain font types… ie. I've favourite fonts from time to time, and that sucks… you know why? When I've favourite fonts, I need to have that particular font, basically everywhere in my apps… excel, words, outlook, browserS, bla bla bla… so, I've to change from time to time, though it was not on frequent basis…
Whenever I'm into one, I thought, it's FOREVER, that's why, I bothered to change, right???
Then… one day, out of sudden again… all these fonts don't matter to me anymore…
Long time ago, I even went to the extent to go into all my old blog entries, to make sure that, all the fonts are STANDARDIZED!! All the way to year 2005, scary huh???
Again, a good switch!!!


Ok… of other things, like what sets of plates and bowls to use, ie. ikea vs. "chiplak", and bla bla bla… I thought, it'll be forever, but then, it only last for a while…
Each time, I told myself, THAT's the best dining solution, ie. dining, and ease of washing…
But then again, next day, I changed my mind…

Adult loves using the word FOREVER!! (deep down, we all know that, nothing can be forever!)
Just like what Charlie's mother told him, (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) that… adults likes to use forever, but then, they don't really mean it…

Maybe you take "forever" less seriously than I do…
But then, ya… that's why… I say, there's nothing's forever… cos, I take it seriously, and I know… seriously… nothing's forever…
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Ok… I was supposed to (I wanted to) blog about this in chinese, but then, suddenly, I feel lazy in typing in chinese… therefore…
Another reason is, I actually mentioned and talked about this to him, ie. english… ^_^

Ok… I lazy… therefore, I copied, off wikipedia,


Now, I'm going to talk…
When I started this show, it didn't really impress me, like all the other shows that I've watched lately, for eg. Shinzamono…
But then, this show, somehow's special, it's so much life-related topic, and meaning in there, and that, a couple of time, I actually felt sad, watching how Ban's gone through in Baccanale…

Note 1: the pasta… goodness… I'm a pasta lover, always… my friend bought me 1 big huge pasta dictionary before, ya, not that, I actually make full use of it, but then, the point is, I'm a pasta lover… but then again, seeing how Baccanale did its pasta… I was thinking, "arrgh… so homemade…", nevermind, the actors actresses were good, they made the pasta (after eating them) look so yummy and eatable, and yes, the heavenly pasta…

Note 2: though this is a show about food, about how Ban "grows up", as a man, and strong and brave man!! But then, they've conveyed so much about life… for eg. For Ban to become a man, ie. he's to be trashed to the very bottom, and stand up again, (I mean, spiritually, and emotionally)… apparently, if a man's not gone through all these, he'll not be a man, get it??

Note 3: (I like this) Shishido (the owner) told Ban about this, regarding food, regarding "ryori", or culinary, or cooking, whatever you name it… Shishido said, ryori is a difficult department, it's very complicated, when a cook prepare the food, it's his emotion, his intention, and probably the expectation of the patrons… plus the ingredients, bla bla bla bla bla… yes, that makes thing sounds super complicated… though, I'm a person who prefer to simplify it, food is just food, you cook, and you eat, ^_^… though, once in a while, I don't mind seeing the subtleness on how japanese like to "complicate" things…

Note 4: it's nice!! I mean, really nice, to see Yuki Uchida… I do like her… just that, her luck's not too good? Maybe?

Note 5: VERY IMPORTANT ONE!! ^_^ haha… I just want to mention that, the role of Yonamine (ie. Yona-san, Ban calls him!) by Kazuki Kitamura's superb… I mean, that role's so important in there… a person, something like a mentor, but not really Ban's mentor… who always give hint, or guideline… to Ban… to help him to think through… and overcome the emotion/attitude barrier… his words, can be a single word like "smile", like "love"… simple, yet, took Ban a loooooooooooong time to realize, and to learn… I like him… I mean, I don't really like Kazuki Kitamura, I think he's really not considered good looking, but then, finally I like him in this role… superb!!!

Note 5: talking about life huh?? When Ban complained to Kuwabara about his job (as a waiter in the main hall… that's the beginner step to work in Baccanale, even if you intend to work as a chef eventually!)… Kuwabara lectured him, and said, not everybody (or, mainly everybody) will like his/her job… therefore, the aptitude regarding the job's important, everybody else, just like Ban, maybe disliking the job, but still go through it, day by day, still trying to figure out about their life, about their job, and how they should handle it…  bla bla bla… isn't that true? How true!!!

Note 6: of all part, Ban just joined Baccanale as a cook assistant (training time! But that makes him wanting to join the team, forever!), then, to become a waiter in the main hall, then, to the part, where he's to help Oda for his dessert department… I actually find, the part of Ban and Oda's pretty enlightening…, cute… and somewhat, meaningful too… ^_^

Note 7: in fact, this show has a lot of "big" star… ie. those who, eventually become a lead role in their own dorama series… like Karina, Ryuta Sato, Sasaki, etc.

Note 8: though I'm a fan of Jun Matsumoto, but then, I don't think he's at his best in this show… ya, sounds like a pro saying and commenting right… I seldom find my "idols" not at their best… but then, seriously this round… maybe that's the reason why I was not impressed in the beginning, and then, I'm still not that impressed, by Jun, now… mainly I'm more bought in by the other characters…

Note 9: their theme song, by Arashi… gosh!!! This is the thing with jpop, mainly from johnnys… their songs… are always so cheerful… looking at the OP, and listening to the song, does make my day… I mean, it does cheer me up, especially after getting up from bed, still sleepy… but have to face the daily housewife/mom's life… (ok, I'm not complaining, but then, I'm just sharing with you, how a housewife/mom's life is… on a day-to-day basis…)

There you go! Their song…

Recommended? Well… it depends, I'll recommend, if you're those type of detailed person… or if you like pasta,
But then, if you wanna see the best of Jun Matsumoto, I won't recommend…

Small Cool...

Ya… somehow, I'm very much attracted to Apartment Therapy's Small Cool… those pictures, those cosy little corners…

Small, and,
BIG? Not, not cool to me, somehow…
And suddenly, I thought of… maybe that's exactly how my OS is, always is…
I've always insisted I wanna stay in a small house, big house, big family… anything big's not cool to me, needless to say, not even romantic…
Maybe I'm much influenced by all those movies, books that I've watched, read, when I was much younger…
Ie. alone, somewhere in the foreign land, and that's… to me, romantic, and cool… and somehow cozy…

AND of course, if you psycho-analyze me… THAT also means… ya… I prefer to be alone, my tolerance level towards others is LOW!!
Why? That's another long story, probably I also won't know and I shall start psycho-analyze myself…

At the moment, we're staying in a small cool (and cosy) apartment, yes, to the "ang mor" standard… to them, everything is usually BIG, and everything HAS to be big, bigger…
Therefore, even the size of my apartment (you call it condo, if you want) is their small cool…
Isn't that just right??

Though… I do wish, I'll be like Darryl and Wanda (in Baby Blues comic) to have 3 children… yes, big family right?  But yes, our own family, not like adding more "distanced" relatives, or you call it extended relatives…
Yes, I mentioned, my tolerance level's pretty low…
And I'm pretty personal in my day-to-day activities…
When I wanna watch TV,
When I wanna sleep/nap,
When I wanna eat, how I wanna eat…
No, I prefer to do it in a no-man land… or just with people (like my baby daughter, and husband) who!! I know we share the same "heart", "feeling", "mentality", as a family…

THAT's enough for me, and that's small… and cool… enough for me…
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After some attempts…
I've this conclusion/options…
  1. Let baby make the call, I'll still nurse as per request, ie. hopefully one day, when the milk doesn't come out anymore, baby will accept the fact, even when the milk doesn't come out anymore, and even if she still wants to suckle, let it be, one day, she'll be bored with suckling empty boobs… ^_^ bravo!! I so smart!!!
  2. This, I've tried, ie. kinda refused, kinda reminded her from time to time, tell her over and over again, I got frust, she got frust, I felt "sien", she felt "sien", I became tired, and she… not sure, seems like not tired, but nevermind… my conclusion is, this is not an option, maybe to some mothers, who can't wait to get baby off boobs, will try those chili/bittergourd method, but no, I don't want to go down that path… just let it be!!
  3. She definitely needs me(O.o) to fall asleep… (I know, that's bad… but then, I kinda need THAT to fall asleep too… oops… hopeless!!) and it'll become worse, when she's half-asleep… most mothers find it easy during night time, but night time's nightmare to me… she'll continuously seeking for booby…
  4. Some suggested, "no offer no reject", well… I kinda DIDN'T do this correctly, sometimes, I reject, sometimes I still offer… ok, that's bad approach…

Conclusion? There's no conclusion,
Concluson? Kinda status quo… I still take my fenugreek, I still offer her booby, I still nurse her, and I still need to nurse her to fall asleep peacefully… beyond hope right?? Yes, that gives me better day, and I feel less tired, and less "sien"…
Now, I think, option 1 should be THE option, ie. one day, even if they dry up, even if she still prefers to suckle, be it…

Cos, just yesterday, I read one article about "extended breastfeeding", ie. there's no such real thing called "extended", cos, it varies throughout different nations…
And some mothers continue to nurse the kids till they're 4-5 years old… oh no!! Is that my intention, no no no!! Definitely not!!! But then, I'm not going to make that call… let it be!
Cos, THAT mother said, it's not about the milk anymore, it's about the emotion and bonding, bla bla bla…
If baby still prefers mama's booby, and if I really don't see a problem to continue it…
Well… why "dis"continue?? THAT will for sure, creates some "problem"… why make problem out of no-problem??

And now, I find my "balance"…
Yes, BALANCE is the new word for my housewhold lately… ^_^


It's my LIFE...

Dorama: Triangle (三角迷蹤)
When Tomioka Yasushi (富岡康志) asked Goda Ryoji (鄉田亮二) if he'll still gain back his life after prison (yes, he's finally arrested as the person who murdered Shindo Toshimichi (新藤利道),
Ryoji answered Yasushi, "it's your life…"
I like the way Ryoji told him,
Yasushi seems to be enlightened…

Anyway, I'm not sure if you see it the way I see,
Or hear it the way I hear…

It's your life…

Yes, it's my life,
Yes, it's my day,
I want to have life, and therefore, I will…
I want this day to be a happy day, and therefore, this day will be…

It's your life,
You get it?
It's not up to me, or anybody, to decide for you, if you'll have life,
Or you'll be happy…

Simple, but yet difficult to understand huh?


Finale : seriously… the finale for that very old HP Omnibook 6000

If you've heard from me before… ya… that I'm struggling with AN OS for that super old HP Omnibook 6000 notebook, which my friend's passed to me… (for what? Long story, and don't bother, not important to know at all!)

So, that's the thing…
Window's out of the question,
So, I tried kinda all sorts of linux, kinda…
Of the ubuntu family, only 9.10 works well, and works well with that super old "laoya" wireless network card, ie. netgear something something… nevermind…
Then, I was not too happy with this ubuntu too, I mean, on this notebook, ie. slow…

So, after I've finally purchased another new decent notebook for myself, during the HP sales, ie. online offering… a compaq presario CQ42-459...
… I then, will have a decently fine working notebook right? Yes, I'm happy with my life, and I've an ubuntu 10.10 on it… (eagerly waiting for 11.04)
But then, for some "itchy hands" reason, and I just want to know if really really really that's the end of life for that super old HP omnibook 6000…
I went on to search for more suitable linux distro…
Yes, I've tried the followings:
Some of it couldn't even install… for eg. Linuxmint,
Some of it couldn't even load… for eg. Lubuntu/xubuntu, can't remmeber…
Some of it, load funnily, that, I just don't know how to tackle…
Some of it take a looooooooooooooooooooooong time to read the liveCD,
Some of it, managed to install, by leaving the network card behind… and thought of solving it after the OS is installed and loaded, but then, I just couldn't have a clue on finding the network configuration thing…

At the end of the day…
I finally willing to try this err… childishly-sound linux distro, ie. puppylinux…
Ooh… it doesn't even need an installation, and immediately it detected the wireless card… ie. detect my wireless AP…
Installatin's like a breeze…
But then… WHEN… I needed to create that GRUB thing… arggh… many time I tried, many time,
Upon reboot… it gives me this, "grub rescue>",
I typed set something something… not working,
Help? Not working,
Only "ls" worked… however, I can't proceed,
I tried all the suggestion I found online, doesn't work…

So, long story cut short,
At the end of the day, (again!)
I tried again, and this time, I don't use GRUB anymore,
Instead, I tried GRUB4DOS…
Now, there you go…

Amazing piece of linux… (it's independent of any of the linux derivations…)
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1 in this bloody stupid country,
1 in bangladesh (bangladesh, I guess, if I've not mistaken the chinese translation),
1 in taiwan…
Just within 1 week… all these news… gosh!

Tell me!!! How on earth, any man, with the right mind, with the right conscience, as a human - ya, you generalize it and call it MAN-KIND?? Kind?? @$%#$^%$#&%$&#%$&#%@^
… do such horrible thing, to minor, minor as in young girls, small baby girls?
How can?? How could you!!!!!!!!!
If there's tsunami, if there's earthquake, if there's any disaster, man-made, natural…
I wish all of you been struck by them, and disappear…

How could you!!
It's beyond my imagination, and no, I don't even want to imagine…
It's beyond heartache, and the disgusted feeling is beyond words, to me…
How could you!!!!!!!

Yes, and that, I've been loosing more faith and trust in all uncles…
Uncles at any age…

MEN, can be so beastful, sometimes… or, these days, MOST OF THE TIME!!
You just don't know who this uncle really is… deep underneath…
In his dream, probably he's the most disgusting beast in the history, even he doesn't know, or, he doesn't want to know…
GOD!!! I pray that, you people just disappear, yes, just like that…
THAT, the world will be more peaceful…
And yes, if the world's female-dominated,
I can assure you, there'll be petty argument here and there, day in day out…
But I'm pretty sure too, the world will be a more peaceful world…
We don't like to weapons…
And don't…

I seriously hate reading those news… I mean, with all the bad things (I mean naturally, or, maybe politically…) happening on earth… it's sad enough,
And yet, there're people who only care about their beastful needs, and do such disgusting thing…
Worst of all… even their wife condone it…

If I've a death note, I'll make sure these people will be wiped off…
They don't deserve any petition,
Nor do they deserve any human right, why should they??
Anybody dares stand out and speak for them,
Then, please will you go to hell with them!!!!!!!!

Yes, I don't judge, and I remind myself not to judge,
But all these people, no, these beast… are beyond judgemental…


Ps: call me paranoid, I told my baby… ALL UNCLES ARE BAD UNCLES!