
stinging nettle stings?

Breastfeeding symbol
Breastfeeding symbol (Photo credit: Topinambour)

Ok… all breastfeeding moms know that, during "those" days…
The breastmilk supply will drop…
And therefore, I was desperately trying to increase the breastmilk supply over the weekend…
And that, I'd a botttle of stinging nettle, which I got from the local drug store,
Which, they ran out of fenugreek, and they told me, this, will do the same trick too…
I used it when I was still breastfeeding baby,
And now, I gotta use it, for gabriel…

For some reason, I wanted to get away with the rubber/plastic capsule,
So, I opened up the capsule and put it into my herbal tea…
For the past 3 nights…
Well… well…

Of course, as of now, I still can't confirm,
Till my next "test", but then…
Those nights (later, I recalled, I kept thinking thinking thinking of any changes lately, or any food that I've taken) that I've been taking stinging nettle,
Gabriel wasn't sleeping soundly,
He cried, cried hard, cried loud!
I blamed it on the teething… (again, maybe it's because of teething…) and it was bad,
See! if it's teething…
He didn't even allow me to massage his gum,
He didn't let me pat him, or console him,
He was irritable, and he would push my hand away, whenever I was trying to touch him…
He was so tired, and yet, he couldn't fall asleep…
During the days, we could see his dark eye rings, or red-eyes…

I was very bothered because of that,
And that, I thought about the supplement I was taking…
On the other hand,
My milk supply seemed to get back to normal, and that's why, as of last night, I stopped the supplement,
He slept soundly…
Again, as of now, today, second day without stinging nettle,
He's sleeping soundly again now,
So, teething?
Stinging nettle?

See… I was trying to "research" regarding this, online!
And I couldn't find any clue,
All breastfeeding related sites mentioned, THIS is something to help boost the breastmilk supply,
But then, I came across something that's a little bit bothering me,
Ie. from webmd, it did mention, THIS, shouldn't be taken, if you're pregnant, or if you're breastfeeding…

Now what?

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sleeping soundly now… ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Ya… 3 nights! I tell you, 3 nights in a row…
Please see here, oops, it's in chinese!
Anyway, last night was 3rd night,
Tonight?? Unknown… tomorrow I'll tell you ya!!! ^_~

Read this!

From BabyCenter,
What teething symptoms will my baby experience?
Experts disagree about whether teething actually causes symptoms — like fussiness, diarrhea, and fever — or whether these common symptoms are not related to teething at all and just coincidentally appear at the same time as emerging teeth. Regardless, many parents maintain that their teething babies do experience discomfort (though some babies get through the process with no problems at all). The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:
  • Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
  • Gum swelling and sensitivity
  • Irritability or fussiness
  • Biting behavior
  • Refusing food
  • Sleep problems

All symptoms, I see them on gabriel!
Ok, except one, ie. "Gum swelling and sensitivity",
I can't check, and yes, we didn't take him to pediatrician…
Cos, in the end, what we're going to get, maybe it's just some ointment,
He looks fine and act fine in the day, in fact, he's a good boy!
Praise to Lord, that He's given me a sweet girl and a sweet/good boy!

But for the past 3 nights,
We suspect it's because he's feeling irritated due to his erupting teeth! *ooh! Better let me see 1 tooth, at least, coming out, at the end of the day man!
I hope this won't last forever man!

Night time,
Whenever he's awake, or even slightly awake,
He'e crying,
Whatever I do, except carrying him,
Will not ease him, or comfort him,
I sang,
I patted him,
He pushed my hand away,
I thought, maybe he needed some massage on his gum,
So, I massaged, but if only comforted him for a short while,
Then, he started crying again,
Poor thing!
Most of the time, I've no choice, but to stay beside him, and let him cry till he's tired, and doze off..
HOWEVER! My boy's another stubborn kid (yes, as well as my girl), inheritted from the cow-cow me, I guess!
His cry pattern is… cried loudly, slowly diminished, when I thought he's going to fall asleep, he kinda "wakes up" and starts to cry again…

I guess, I can give him some ointment on his gum, to num the feeling, (if it's teething, and yes, all symptoms above, except the swelling part, I can't confirm)
But then again, they're all chemical…
I don't want my babies to grow up in a drug environment!
So, I guess, it's just some pain that he's to go through…
Poor baby!

As of now, at least, he's sleeping soundly for 2 hours…
God! Please grant him peaceful sleep at night!

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wa! My son, I don't know if it's growth spurt, or teething… it's a damn wakeful night for him man!!!!!!!!! ~_~


she throws rubbish...

See… it started like this,
I saw some "learn, paste & fun" felt pieces, NEXT TO MY DVD PLAYERS, 2 pieces, squeezed in that little corner… in the TV cabinet…
Hm… I was like…
So, I asked baby, why these pieces ended up there?
She couldn't answer,
I asked, where's the rest?
She couldn't answer too…
I asked her to sit down there, and think properly where the rest are,
It's a set, of the story of red riding hood, felt pieces, sticking on the felt board,
Some characters, some furnitures, some trees, etc.
So, I asked, where? Where? Where?
She couldn't tell me…
I asked her to sit down and think, she told me, she wanted to stand up and walk around and think, I said, fine, but think, and tell me where the rest are…
Yes, I've such anxiety, I hate misplacing items,
Just thinking of the fact that, there're small tiny pieces of things lying around in some unknown corners of this house, I feel anxious…
On top of that,
She also misplaced some pieces of the magnet I just got her the other day,
I asked, where? Where? Where?
After a while, she found the magnet,
So, I was a little bit relieved…
I started nagging her again and again,
Where are the rest of the felt pieces?
She said, "I don't know!",
Then, she said, "I know, they're gone!"
Then, she looked underneath the sofa, said, "it's there!",
I asked, where? You saw it?
She said yes, I asked, where, tell mama…
She said, it's too small that she can't tell,
So, I asked her again, "since it's so small, how can you tell me that, it's there!"
She kept quiet,
Then, she told me, she didn't like those felt pieces…
I asked, "did you throw those away?"
"did you put them in the rubbish bin?"
She shook her head!
After a while, I asked again…
"did you put them in the rubbish bin!??"
She said, "no!"
I trusted her…

However, anxiety struck,
So, I started tidying up her toys a little bit,
Shuffled the containers, and spots, a little bit…
Wishing that, I couldn't find those felt pieces,
The last time I saw, she put them at the bottom of the paper bag…
I kept looking into the paper bag, the paper bag was empty…

So, I texted him, and asked if he knows anything about it,
Nope, no idea…
Arrgh!! I can't live with this…
Anyway, in the evening, I went on to do some rewiring in the house, as one of the extension was not functioning anymore,
And also, we've changed to fibreoptic connection in our household, the wires, the switches, are in different spots now,
I went on to rearrange a little bit…

Last try!
I went to the rubbish bin and look!
There, I saw the whole pile of them!

He asked me why I bothered looking for them, just small items…
I told him to just let me go after those small tiny useless felt pieces,
It's just me, I just gotta find them,
And I told him,
I also wanted to see, how "creative" baby is…
Ya, at first, she told me, she hide them,
That's why I kept asking her to think think think, think of the hiding spot,
Then, suddenly, she blurted out that, she dislike those pieces…
And lastly, I found them in the rubbish bin,
That's her masterpiece so far…
I didn't know when she threw them away,
Luckily the part-timer hasn't come and got rid or the trash…

I retrieved all of them, gave them a rinse,
It's a waste paper bin anyway, can't be too dirty…
Funnily, this time around, I was not angry…
Cos, somehow…
I thought, she did something, quite different…

My baby!!
(shake head!)

my dear scanner's back onto my desktop… yippie! I then can start scanning my old old old pictures again… scanning project starto~


Everything is going to be OK...

ya, that's the last sentence in the book of Trace Moroney's "When I'm Feeling" series,
ie. "When I'm Feeling SAD"...
I was reading this book to baby this evening,
it's a good book of teaching kids, about feelings...
ya, I like these books...
I thought I've got one with "When I'm Feeling Angry", but I've not seen one on the bookshop, I supposed...

when I read this sentence, "Everything is going to be OK",
I felt sad...
cos... I thought, whenever there's anybody telling you this,
or, whenever you've gotta tell other people this sentence,
or, whenever others use this sentence to another person,
generally... something bad/sad had happened...
and this is the one last thing that we can say,
to make the person feel a little bit better, a little bit more comfortable...

that, also reminded me of one jap drama I've watched N years ago,
"Shiroi Kage",
starring Takeuchi Yuko, and Nakai Masahiro... (ya, I suddenly thought of him, cos, I'm watching ATARU now... I mean, these few days...)
ie. nurse Nobuko, vs. doctor Naoe,
where, Naoe's dying of cancer, (can't remember what cancer LA!)
and he once told Nobuko,
most patients, ie. patients with terminal illness,
do not want to hear people telling them, "gambatte!", ie. work hard, 加油,buck up, bla bla bla...
in fact, what they want, is, "it's ok... it's ok..." (that you've already done whatever you can, you've already done your best, bla bla bla!)
he explained that, all patients, or, rather... most people know that, under difficult circumstances, one gotta work hard, 加油, or buck up or  be positive...
and one probably has already done so...
what comfort most... is,
"it's ok..."
that's what Naoe said to Nobuko...

back to the book,
and it ends with this sentence as well,
and therefore, I thought, it's related to "sadness", or hopelessness sometimes,
ya, sometimes...

though sad...
yes, I'll thank million, if and when I'm in difficult time,
when I'm feeling sad,
that, there're somebody who come and give me a big big hug,
and tell me this,
"Everything's going to be OK, dear~"

I love Trace Moroney's series of books, "The Things I Love" series, and "When I'm Feeling" series"... = ̄ω ̄=
Ooh... was kinda... amused by myself, that, I suddenly am in the mood to blog in english... hoo hoo~~ ∩__∩

birthday party

we went to my best friend's son's birthday party...
phew... luckily, it's not like one of those rich kid's party's style, ie. expensive door gifts, with "expensive" guests...
I was pleased that,
it's just us,
us, ie. her close friends, we know each other, ie. mutual,
and her families,
and her other close friends, whom, we don't know much about each other, but it's ok, cos, I know they're close friends to my friend...
that's enough, right?

club house, nice club house,
kids pool, again, I'm happy to see that, the swimming pool's lovely, though baby didn't get to go in to swim,
cos, neither he nor me, were ready to get wet, after a long weekend outstation holiday...
you know? outstation? long hour driving? long hour entertaining other family members? ^_^ tiring... kinda...

so, baby was there, with other kids,
with my friends kids,
blowing soap bubble,
she obviously had enjoyed...
got her nicey nicey dress wet, cos, though, she didn't really go swimming, but she somehow went to dip her feet in the pool and played for quite a while...
luckily I've got spare clothes,
and since then, she changed from a little cute princess, to a little cutey boy look... (haha, of course, she's still my little cute princess!)

but then, maybe it's because of the outstation trip,
the pool, and the play, and the fun,
she's finally exhausted, and yes, that's the reason for the flu...
flu season...

hope, all will be ok,

down with flu...

after... how many months?
2 months?
ya, I think, back in June, she's a flu, the package is usually, runny nose, cough, wrapped up with fever, high fever...

after a long outstation weekend,
though, I thought, we didn't do much adventurous stuff with our extended family,
but then, I'm not sure why, everybody seems to be kinda tired, after this...

just after we got back last night,
little one went to sleep, straight away...
he needed it desperately, he wanted it desperately!

the remaining 3?
yep... I read all my "backlog", then, went to bed...

though, I thought, we've rested enough,
she finally started sneezing...
another one, then another one, then... runny nose...
then, cough...
then, tonight (2012-08-21)? mild fever...

however, she pooped...
after the poop, seemed like the fever went down a little bit...
as of now (2012-08-22), nope, it's back to normal temperature...

God Bless!


I saw that she needed some comfort, and all these while she's not been carrying or extensively using her pillows, or bolster, or plush toys..
so, I suggested her to pick one and make it the special one,
as... she sometimes, just wanted me to give her my hand, ie. when I'm asleep or when I'm carrying Gabriel,
yes, she even requested Gabriel's hand...
she just wanted to hold onto something...

some kids suck their thumbs,
some kids carry along a plush toy,
some kids, do don't know what... anyway...

so, I suggested her to pick 1 special toy...
from among all her toys...
she's many plush toys, mainly gifts from my friends, ie. her aunties, (sweet huh?)
among all,
she like that fat blue bear the most,
that's the one, auntie aileen gave her, when Gabriel was born, when I was still lying in the hospital... recovering after the c-sec...

ooh, she likes that, the most...

I then told her,
she needed to take care of the bear, treats her (ya, I asked, if it's a she, or a he, she said, that's a girl) better, ie. don't just throw her with her pile of toys, at the end of the day,
I told her,
she can take the bear on trip, to bed, she can read to the bear, talk to the bear, or hug the bear, whenever mama, or papa are not there immediately to give her a big big hug...
if she needs one... whenever she needs one...
cos, I told her, if she has to wait for people (even us) to hug her, or pay attention to her (as much as we do our best, sometimes, there're time that, we just cannot attend to her immediately, especially I'm taking care of 2, the little 8-month-old...) then, she'll feel disappointed half of the time,
as I've learned, all these while,
from my favourite jap dramas... 自己的幸福,自己的快樂,要靠自己,如果,你的快樂是靠別人給你的,ie. 等着人家弄你笑,給你禮物開心,還是什麼的,那你的快樂的基礎,是非常的脆弱的。。。
that's how I explained to her...
so, as most of the other kids, who know how to comfort, pacify themselves, (like I mentioned, thumb sucking...)
I want her to find a way, a channel too...

after 1 day,
I asked her, what's the name of the blue bear,
since it's going to be more special, right?
she couldn't think of one,
at first, I thought, Madeline, ya... that's the "origin" of her name, ie. my baby's name...
at first, I thought, Madeleine and Madeline, kinda cute, and kinda cool...

but then, after 1 day,
I suddenly recalled...
when I was pregnant with the second baby...
before we know of its gender...
I thought to myself, during those days,
if it's going to be another girl,
I like this name...
sophie (ya, like the one in "sophie's world"),
so, I asked her, if it's ok, to give the bear a name, ie. sophie...
she nodded...

and this morning,
while I was still in bed...
she was spending time with him,
and he told me,
when she opened her eyes, in the morning,
she suddenly said to him,
"papa, finally blue bear has a name, and her name is sophie!"

my baby...
sweet, ain't she?? ^_^