
my cloth diaper review

I've posted a review to this online website kasihkusayangku.com
Well… ok, it's for moms, and moms-to-be… (not for guys)
In fact, when I posted that review, I don’t have any ulterior motive,
Simply I've nothing better to do :)
And I like to write anything… any single thing that comes into my mind…

Below's the review:

i've had a few KS CD, i've to say, for local brands (GH, lunatots, freshbots, crazymomy) this is the best ones, i'll call it, the M'sian version of BumGenius.
However, i notice, the outer layer of PUL is different between blue/red and the rest of the colour, and i prefer the blue/red ones, the yellow especially feels a bit hard, but it's just the outer layer, overall performance still good.

I wish KS will come out with more and more colour choice, and maybe consider XL sizes, i like to collect different colours of CD, if KS will have more new colours - like maroon, lavander, brown - i'll be the first customer to buy...

KS is very good for day use (i've not tried night use, but i'm confident it can serve the purpose, like i said, it's the m'sian version of BG) after trying to many brands, i know what type of CD can pass for night use, and i know KS will do the job - that's why lo, need more colours, for me to improve my 'system'

lastly, the edge of the sides - gussets, are good for containing the mess, vs. another brand, they actually make the crotch area smaller, will sure fail to contain mess
and the velcro tape is one of the strongest i see... ie. baby will not be able to take it out so easily.. even for adults


And guess what I got in return,
The owner of the shop's quite delighted to see my review and asked me if I want to be their tester..
As more diapers will be coming up… but before they're launched, she needs testers… and that she'll send me the 'new' CD sample for testing...
Since I'm using the CD on baby, so, it doesn't matter if I gain, or not gain anything… so, I offered my 'services'…
And I've been doing stress-test on the KS CD on baby for night time use…
Frankly… so far so good… going into the 9th month, she's quite a heavy wetter at this stage, the imported Happy Heiny's already failed the night nappy task, therefore, I've to 'promote' this KS CD and 'demote' the HH for day/evening use...
(I was a bit worried that the fact will disappoint the owner, but well… then, I'll keep the good news till later)

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