Gosh, I know this is going to be challenging,
Baby's already showing sign of teething… serious!! Serious teething symptoms…
Excessive drooling, wakeful nights (for the past 2-3 days), and one of my other NIGHTMARES, ie. biting!!
I've come across some breastfeeding mothers, who've shared their experience over their blog… (not into very detail though) and I know, it will not be something easy…
Even now, she doesn't have any single tooth, it hurts (and ya, her pediatrician said "it hurts a bit", you're right!!)
And I think I've just experienced a slight breast rejection, due to my reaction - which those experienced mothers advised not to, and I did… :(
You should not say 'ouch', and you should not even try to push her away, and that's what I did…
And next thing is… she's whining for the next 1 hour in bed, crying VERY SADLY!!
Give her back, she doesn't want, keep crying (I've been thinking that we're consider lucky, as she's not so a cranky baby, since birth, ie. she rarely cry non-stop)
So, she just lied in bed, crying… crying… crying…
And she's on my breast, she starts to bite, (ya, without the tooth and the bloody scene part yet)
And I told her not to, (as if she understands)
And I loose my patience… and I started to feel nervous…
Yes, I know, this is the beginning of the teething chapter, and I'll have a damn challenging month ahead…
To continue, or not to continue… whatever decision I'll take, the process in between is going to be full of blood, sweat and tears (maybe both of ours)
Will I decide to wean her off now?
Serious I don't know… and I can't decide yet…
Cos, another side of me is, "other mothers can do and overcome, why can't I?" (that's the problem, "why can't I??" and that's usually the motivation that push me forward and forward to handle anything difficult in my life)
Maybe I shall start writing to those mothers, and ask for the detailed advice…
Cos, the tips and general advice that I've got so far is,
"just tell her NO, a couple of time, they'll learn!"
Ya… in between, from start telling, to she learns, is like how??
We'll see...
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