
I adore Google

Yes, I simply love google, anything google, putting aside the fact that, it's such an innovative & creative organization…
I love anything google, though I've not used everything under the google roof…

Google mail, ie. gmail - that's where my emails sit, love the simplicity of it,
Google reader, ie. web rss feed client - I subscribe to all the mommy's blog, food blog, and whatever website that I'd like to follow, which provide the rss/atom link
Google doc, ie. some of my friends have known, sometimes I shared some of the documents online, for eg. Excel spreadsheets, or pdfs, anything…
Google calendar, ie. that's where I keep my calendar too, especially to share, ie. COLLABORATION
Blogger, which belonged to google, I bought my domains there, and I open up some openable blogs there ^_^

Every day, without fail, I login to these websites, and there starts my 'night life', ie. surfing and reading up in front of my PC…
And for google reader, gosh!!! I use it to whatever it can be used, ie. fully exploited, "like", "share", and so on…

I simply love Google
(the IN thing of saying is, I heart google!!)

Ps: you know? It took me a while to figure out why people use I "heart", rather than I "love"… later via my cousin Joanna Choong's photo albums on facebook, slowly… only I figure out, cos, there're some people who put a heart symbol when they mean "love"… sorry neh!! I'm outdated!!

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