I came across this one day... (from one of the “PhD” in Attachment Parenting)
We reject the idea that parenting requires hard work
We pledge to leave our children alone
We reject the rampant consumerism that invades children from the moment they are born
We read them poetry and fantastic stories without morals
We drink alcohol without guilt
We reject the inner Puritan
We don’t waste money on family days out and holidays
An idle parent is a thrifty parent
An idle parent is a creative parent
We lie in bed for as long as possible
We try not to interfere
We play in the fields and forests
We push them into the garden and shut the door so we can clean the house
We both work as little as possible, particularly when the kids are small
Time is more important than money
Happy mess is better than miserable tidiness
Down with school
We fill the house with music and merriment
We reject health and safety guidelines
We embrace responsibility
There are many paths
More play, less work
of course, afterall... it doesn't matter what's right, or what's wrong, in this sense...
and of all, I appreciate one of my childhood friend's saying, (which I can't recall if I've shared this before, oh!! I'm damn old!!)
a few things she said,
“there're many schools of parenting, it doesn't matter which one is the most right, you just have to trust your own instinct!”
“babies don't need loads of toys, or whatever, she just needs lots of love!”
when we talk about being parents, life changes, and a lot of things that you used to do, (first eg. Going to theatre to watch movies) and you can't do now, after having kids, especially when they're still babies/toddlers... she said,
“this is what you should already expect, life will definitely change after becoming parents, so, there's no such thing as sacrifice as per se!”
^_^ my dear friend.....
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