
I still like pasta...

Whenever I've to have dinner on my own for a couple of days, this is what I'll do...
I'll use a big pot (my bigger vision cookware) and chuck all the vege in there (carrot, celery, sometimes mushrooms) and a little bit of meat…
Then, I'll cook them curry style, of soy sauce style, cook some rice, eat for a few days…
Cannot meh?? ^o^
That's what I'll do… very relaxing, and happy eating…

I used to be JOYFUL when I know I don't have to cook dinner… ie. I can order pizza delivery, be it pizzahut, or domino pizza…
But then, 1 incident happened, and I don't like it anymore…

See… I'm in fact a not-wise customer…
I called pizzahut one day, and they offered me this buy 1 get 1 free pizza, large size somemore…
Couldn't really visualize how large is large, I made the order…
And 2 large pizza came to my house…
And guess what?
That meal itself…
The next day lunch, next day dinner…
Till he's back home, still lunch, dinner…
I wanted to puke already…
For your information, pizza, when keep for overnite, unless, you've an oven at home (which I don't) it's just not nice to keep eating them over and over again, for a few days…

After this incident…
I don't intend to order pizza when I'm alone, cos, it'll always remind me of those pizza-ful days… (yak!!)

Ever since,
I started to cook this type of 'one-pot-cook' dinner for myself…
The first attempt was curry…
And this time, it's bak kut teh...
Damn!! Shouldn't have tried the bak kut teh…
Again, it's not some thing that you can have, FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS…
Luckily… I managed to finish it this afternoon, and for dinner, I cooked pasta…
Ya, my MOST FAVOURITE FOOD OF ALL KIND (unless I can afford a sushi chef and can store a huge salmon in my freezer at home)
Pasta?? I rarely cook, cos, I love pasta… then, why I rarely cook, if it's for a couple of days?
Cos, it's just not enough…
See!!! Tonight I cooked, it only last me for 2 meals, tomorrow night, ie. dinner… I probably have to take instant noodle again…

See… sometimes, you just love something too much that, you don't dare to face them everyday…
Or, sometimes, you just love somebody too much that, you don't dare to face him/her everyday, cos, you're scared that, he/she will dislike you, will get fed up with you one day…
And that's why I love pasta… (the emo is just like little girl - facing her own prince charming… ie. you want it to be everyday, but you don't dare to let it be everyday's business… hahahaha!!!)

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