
@$%@$^%$^@ electricity bill...

See!!! After I've strived so hard to try to cut our electricity bill for 2-3 months,
It didn't really go down, still wonder around 120-140 bucks a month, (if it's a month, I don't really look at the date, whenever tnb leaves a 'note' in our mailbox, I'll just go online and make payment)
I cut down the use of our tumble dryer,
I make sure the air-conditioning is not below 24 degree celsius,
(the rest not that significant)
Cos, during my confinement month, march 2009, that's a bloody hot month, no rain, just as hot as this month, but at least, we've been having some rain in the late afternoon, ya, thunderstorm somemore…
During my confinement month, our bill went up to 300 bucks, I nearly vomit blood..
So, I worked hard to cut our bill…

However, nothing much changed…
I mean the bill, but more work for me, especially the hanging clothes, waiting them to get dry, and then, collecting them…
I've to handle our launderette almost everyday…

Then, I decided to switch back to use our dear tumble dry…
It's just another 100 bucks anyway,
To ease my job…
However, for air-conditioning, I still keep it above 24 degree…
And ever since baby was sick, I am not that keen on having closed door environment, so, at night, I'll have the windows and doors wide opened, to air the room, with the air-conditioning on, in fact, it's cooler that way, and we're more comfortable, as you know, air-conditioning dry us up quickly, and normally leaves us waking up in dry and irritated throat… yuck!

In the end… guess what?
The bill didn't go up a lot,
In fact, it seemed to go down a little bit…
Maybe mostly it's due to the way I use the air-conditioning,
And therefore, how happy I am… ^_^

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