

After some attempts…
I've this conclusion/options…
  1. Let baby make the call, I'll still nurse as per request, ie. hopefully one day, when the milk doesn't come out anymore, baby will accept the fact, even when the milk doesn't come out anymore, and even if she still wants to suckle, let it be, one day, she'll be bored with suckling empty boobs… ^_^ bravo!! I so smart!!!
  2. This, I've tried, ie. kinda refused, kinda reminded her from time to time, tell her over and over again, I got frust, she got frust, I felt "sien", she felt "sien", I became tired, and she… not sure, seems like not tired, but nevermind… my conclusion is, this is not an option, maybe to some mothers, who can't wait to get baby off boobs, will try those chili/bittergourd method, but no, I don't want to go down that path… just let it be!!
  3. She definitely needs me(O.o) to fall asleep… (I know, that's bad… but then, I kinda need THAT to fall asleep too… oops… hopeless!!) and it'll become worse, when she's half-asleep… most mothers find it easy during night time, but night time's nightmare to me… she'll continuously seeking for booby…
  4. Some suggested, "no offer no reject", well… I kinda DIDN'T do this correctly, sometimes, I reject, sometimes I still offer… ok, that's bad approach…

Conclusion? There's no conclusion,
Concluson? Kinda status quo… I still take my fenugreek, I still offer her booby, I still nurse her, and I still need to nurse her to fall asleep peacefully… beyond hope right?? Yes, that gives me better day, and I feel less tired, and less "sien"…
Now, I think, option 1 should be THE option, ie. one day, even if they dry up, even if she still prefers to suckle, be it…

Cos, just yesterday, I read one article about "extended breastfeeding", ie. there's no such real thing called "extended", cos, it varies throughout different nations…
And some mothers continue to nurse the kids till they're 4-5 years old… oh no!! Is that my intention, no no no!! Definitely not!!! But then, I'm not going to make that call… let it be!
Cos, THAT mother said, it's not about the milk anymore, it's about the emotion and bonding, bla bla bla…
If baby still prefers mama's booby, and if I really don't see a problem to continue it…
Well… why "dis"continue?? THAT will for sure, creates some "problem"… why make problem out of no-problem??

And now, I find my "balance"…
Yes, BALANCE is the new word for my housewhold lately… ^_^

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