

Ok… I was supposed to (I wanted to) blog about this in chinese, but then, suddenly, I feel lazy in typing in chinese… therefore…
Another reason is, I actually mentioned and talked about this to him, ie. english… ^_^

Ok… I lazy… therefore, I copied, off wikipedia,


Now, I'm going to talk…
When I started this show, it didn't really impress me, like all the other shows that I've watched lately, for eg. Shinzamono…
But then, this show, somehow's special, it's so much life-related topic, and meaning in there, and that, a couple of time, I actually felt sad, watching how Ban's gone through in Baccanale…

Note 1: the pasta… goodness… I'm a pasta lover, always… my friend bought me 1 big huge pasta dictionary before, ya, not that, I actually make full use of it, but then, the point is, I'm a pasta lover… but then again, seeing how Baccanale did its pasta… I was thinking, "arrgh… so homemade…", nevermind, the actors actresses were good, they made the pasta (after eating them) look so yummy and eatable, and yes, the heavenly pasta…

Note 2: though this is a show about food, about how Ban "grows up", as a man, and strong and brave man!! But then, they've conveyed so much about life… for eg. For Ban to become a man, ie. he's to be trashed to the very bottom, and stand up again, (I mean, spiritually, and emotionally)… apparently, if a man's not gone through all these, he'll not be a man, get it??

Note 3: (I like this) Shishido (the owner) told Ban about this, regarding food, regarding "ryori", or culinary, or cooking, whatever you name it… Shishido said, ryori is a difficult department, it's very complicated, when a cook prepare the food, it's his emotion, his intention, and probably the expectation of the patrons… plus the ingredients, bla bla bla bla bla… yes, that makes thing sounds super complicated… though, I'm a person who prefer to simplify it, food is just food, you cook, and you eat, ^_^… though, once in a while, I don't mind seeing the subtleness on how japanese like to "complicate" things…

Note 4: it's nice!! I mean, really nice, to see Yuki Uchida… I do like her… just that, her luck's not too good? Maybe?

Note 5: VERY IMPORTANT ONE!! ^_^ haha… I just want to mention that, the role of Yonamine (ie. Yona-san, Ban calls him!) by Kazuki Kitamura's superb… I mean, that role's so important in there… a person, something like a mentor, but not really Ban's mentor… who always give hint, or guideline… to Ban… to help him to think through… and overcome the emotion/attitude barrier… his words, can be a single word like "smile", like "love"… simple, yet, took Ban a loooooooooooong time to realize, and to learn… I like him… I mean, I don't really like Kazuki Kitamura, I think he's really not considered good looking, but then, finally I like him in this role… superb!!!

Note 5: talking about life huh?? When Ban complained to Kuwabara about his job (as a waiter in the main hall… that's the beginner step to work in Baccanale, even if you intend to work as a chef eventually!)… Kuwabara lectured him, and said, not everybody (or, mainly everybody) will like his/her job… therefore, the aptitude regarding the job's important, everybody else, just like Ban, maybe disliking the job, but still go through it, day by day, still trying to figure out about their life, about their job, and how they should handle it…  bla bla bla… isn't that true? How true!!!

Note 6: of all part, Ban just joined Baccanale as a cook assistant (training time! But that makes him wanting to join the team, forever!), then, to become a waiter in the main hall, then, to the part, where he's to help Oda for his dessert department… I actually find, the part of Ban and Oda's pretty enlightening…, cute… and somewhat, meaningful too… ^_^

Note 7: in fact, this show has a lot of "big" star… ie. those who, eventually become a lead role in their own dorama series… like Karina, Ryuta Sato, Sasaki, etc.

Note 8: though I'm a fan of Jun Matsumoto, but then, I don't think he's at his best in this show… ya, sounds like a pro saying and commenting right… I seldom find my "idols" not at their best… but then, seriously this round… maybe that's the reason why I was not impressed in the beginning, and then, I'm still not that impressed, by Jun, now… mainly I'm more bought in by the other characters…

Note 9: their theme song, by Arashi… gosh!!! This is the thing with jpop, mainly from johnnys… their songs… are always so cheerful… looking at the OP, and listening to the song, does make my day… I mean, it does cheer me up, especially after getting up from bed, still sleepy… but have to face the daily housewife/mom's life… (ok, I'm not complaining, but then, I'm just sharing with you, how a housewife/mom's life is… on a day-to-day basis…)

There you go! Their song…

Recommended? Well… it depends, I'll recommend, if you're those type of detailed person… or if you like pasta,
But then, if you wanna see the best of Jun Matsumoto, I won't recommend…

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