
Small Cool...

Ya… somehow, I'm very much attracted to Apartment Therapy's Small Cool… those pictures, those cosy little corners…

Small, and,
BIG? Not, not cool to me, somehow…
And suddenly, I thought of… maybe that's exactly how my OS is, always is…
I've always insisted I wanna stay in a small house, big house, big family… anything big's not cool to me, needless to say, not even romantic…
Maybe I'm much influenced by all those movies, books that I've watched, read, when I was much younger…
Ie. alone, somewhere in the foreign land, and that's… to me, romantic, and cool… and somehow cozy…

AND of course, if you psycho-analyze me… THAT also means… ya… I prefer to be alone, my tolerance level towards others is LOW!!
Why? That's another long story, probably I also won't know and I shall start psycho-analyze myself…

At the moment, we're staying in a small cool (and cosy) apartment, yes, to the "ang mor" standard… to them, everything is usually BIG, and everything HAS to be big, bigger…
Therefore, even the size of my apartment (you call it condo, if you want) is their small cool…
Isn't that just right??

Though… I do wish, I'll be like Darryl and Wanda (in Baby Blues comic) to have 3 children… yes, big family right?  But yes, our own family, not like adding more "distanced" relatives, or you call it extended relatives…
Yes, I mentioned, my tolerance level's pretty low…
And I'm pretty personal in my day-to-day activities…
When I wanna watch TV,
When I wanna sleep/nap,
When I wanna eat, how I wanna eat…
No, I prefer to do it in a no-man land… or just with people (like my baby daughter, and husband) who!! I know we share the same "heart", "feeling", "mentality", as a family…

THAT's enough for me, and that's small… and cool… enough for me…
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