Ok… I won't share the "original" details… and if you're one of those atheist or super against what I'm believing, stop here please…
I've some questions… (well… not really me, but somebody, ahem…) and due to my limited knowledge, though I've tried my best to answer… but then, I gotta asked my little angel… (ok, that's an old angel, my new angel now is my baby… ^_^ wa haha!!! Yes, she's an angel, and she's a gift from our Almighty God… and I pray every day that, God will send a guardian angel to her, and I believe so…)
Back to the topic… so, there's some questions I asked, and there's some answers (mostly satisfying, or I'll say, just like what I've known… I mean, what I've known, or what I've figured out, or, what I've learnt throughout my years as a not-so-active catholic… is not too wrong… is not too far off!)
There come the answers...
About "judgement day"…
Please read…
Ok I'm not sure if I've picked up the right light, ie. the right message, but the footnote:
14 [31-46] The conclusion of the discourse, which is peculiar to Matthew, portrays the final judgment that will accompany the parousia. Although often called a "parable," it is not really such, for the only parabolic elements are the depiction of the Son of Man as a shepherd and of the righteous and the wicked as sheep and goats respectively (Matthew 25:32-33). The criterion of judgment will be the deeds of mercy that have been done for the least of Jesus' brothers (Matthew 25:40). A difficult and important question is the identification of these least brothers. Are they all people who have suffered hunger, thirst, etc. (Matthew 25:35, 36) or a particular group of such sufferers? Scholars are divided in their response and arguments can be made for either side. But leaving aside the problem of what the traditional material that Matthew edited may have meant, it seems that a stronger case can be made for the view that in the evangelist's sense the sufferers are Christians, probably Christian missionaries whose sufferings were brought upon them by their preaching of the gospel. The criterion of judgment for all the nations is their treatment of those who have borne to the world the message of Jesus, and this means ultimately their acceptance or rejection of Jesus himself; cf Matthew 10:40, "Whoever receives you, receives me."
AND the jist of it, ie. BELIEVING…
The answer I got was,
To read the whole chapter of, 1st Letter of St. John,
(forgive me, I've not read yet… and I will…)
AND, regarding confession,
Yes, I know this will raise argument…
But then, let me finish first…
Cos, the answer I got, it's exactly like those that I've been reading of a counseling professional… (who's actually a buddhist) THAT… to overcome your fear, your worries, your whatever… (negativity) is to FACE IT!
And for us, catholic, to face it, is to confess it…
A lot of people are so against it… irregardless this confession… or the counseling part, to really face it, (watch INCEPTION, again, the same blogger actually psycho-analyze the whole show… which I can barely understand the jist of it… but then, I thought it was a damn good piece of work!)…
You may claim that, you've face it, you've overcomed it,
But doesn't the same fear, same negative type of feeling, or anger, or whatever frust, still come back ot you??
Cos, you've not realeased yourself from it…
There comes, the real confession… yes, that's the way I understand…
Real or not real… I'm not the spokeperson, but that's the way I understand…
In the end, your argument's not about repentance, not about your sin, not about your trying to overcome it… trying to face it…
In the end… your argument's will just be… who's the power?? Why should THAT person be given the power? Why can't I just forgive myself, and bla bla bla bla… so, that's not the point…
Cos, you still do not really face your fear, your worries, your weakness…
To face it, to overcome it, and to share it…
So, back to "anyway"…
Like I say, that's the way I understand…
And I've always like what Mother Teresa's quote…
Again, it's the jist of all things, isn't it?
It's between me and God anyway…
Judgement or not?
Confession or not?
Believing or not?
And whatsoever…
Really it's between me and God, and it's between you and God…
"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
Lastly, John 10:9
I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.
And… good for the someboy who've asked me… that, I bothered to think… and bothered to find answer, and that, the answer's given… assuring to myself… as a catholic…
And… I've to say praise to The Lord, that He's given me this gift, to believe in him…
Hey!! To be able to believe, and to have faith… IS A GIFT…
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