
The Season of the Game

Work vs. Game,
As I've just recently engaged myself in some new games on fb, (arrgh!! Don’t you just hate it?)
I started to relate it to our real life work…
In fact, it's pretty similar, some of it…
And in a way, maybe they're kinda popular,
In fb, most of these games are categorized as "virtual world"!!
My own experience,
Restaurant city, café world,
Pet society, Yoville, (where pet society's pet, while yoville's human looking cartoon)
And all the farming virtual lives,
For eg. Farmville, farmtown, (arrgh, again, it's just confusing and I just don't know which is which, minimal differences between the two), another slightly cuter game from playfirsh is Country Story… then, later, they started to offer things like,
Err… some island thing? Or, some town thing? Or some theme park thing?? Too many of them…
Of course, there're another type of less visual games, ie. mafia wars, or, mobster, or lately, another new game from playfish, gangster city, which… as playfish, of course it's more graphical, for a visual type of person, I'll definitely prefer gangster city…
Then, similar to the mafia wars type of games, are,
Sorority life, there's one similar to sorority life, I've played before, can't remember the name, oh ya, fashion war,
A little  bit to the fantasy side, like castle age…

All, I've tried, and have ditched!!
Well… of all, I don’t' like those like mafia wars, sorority life, and so on, cos, you need a humungous network, to achieve certain goal…

Next to it,
I know it's fun, but serious, I don't quite like plants, or farms or anything, and that's why, I don’t play all the games that you need to plant stuff… SERIOUSLY, I don't like plants… and don't ask me to go stay in country side, or a farm house…!! I'm a city girl!! Ok?? ^_^…

Pet society or yoville,  you can decorate the rooms, and so on… a lot of activities in fact… but again, I'm not a pet person, I'm not an "animal type of person", ie. I don't like pet… and don’t ask me to watch shows like "beethoven", or what?? 101 dalmation?? I just don't and can't get the idea where animal talks!!! Get it??? But then, I CAN watch/read story between the owner and his/her pet, usually it's very tear-jerking!! Then again, I can live without it…
Oh, just sideline a little bit, yoville's the same "logistic" as pet society, where you deco your room, you visit your friend's room, and dance/tell joke/or whatever with them, to ear coins, and so on… then, with more coins, you can buy stuff to deco even more of your room, or rooms, and so on… or dress yourself up… the thing with yoville, which is, the thing with the creator, Zynga, I don’t like their design.. Their "human" is just so not cute!!

From Zynga,
I'm going to talk about Café World,
I still keep my Restaurant City's restaurant, and I still keep my Café World's café, it's just that I don’t login anymore… bored, haha!!! And of course, I prefer restaurant city over café world, cos, playfish's creation's definitely on the cuter side…

Oh ya, zynga, playfish, another one's playdom, the one creates sorority life, mobster, and so on…
I won't talk about the non-visual type like mafia wars, or sorority life, else my post will get too long again…

Lately, what I've got myself into, is the new playfish game, ie. hotel city, and another game from playdom, ie. social city…
The former, ie. running a hotel, keep expanding, create and deco rooms, get more people to come and stay… the logic behind the game's similar to the restaurant city, but they've improved a lot, ie. I can have 2-day shift, ie. I don’t have to constantly login to pay my employee… kekeke…, which is why I love it… and the "gong zai" are just so cute!!...
Social city, ie. creating a township… you've all the residential areas, commercial area, factories, and so on… I've not gone to higher "level" yet, so, I do not know eventually if they're going to include rail track, that's why, it's not so a city yet to me, but a town…, ya, a township will do, and it'll be just great, and I lately just discovered, and have "deleted" Gas Station from my town, why?? I hate gas station? Cos, in america, seems like all the horror stories sure will have gas station in their plots… therefore, I don’t like them…

Talking about games, talking about login in to "pay my employee" and so on…
What triggered me is, in fact, all these games are pretty similar to real life work…
I need to login everyday - for eg. Hotel city, to pay my employees, or to do some touch up for my hotel, or, like café world, to cook more dishes, and to serve all the ready dish…,
Just like I need to go to work everyday!!!
And in all these games, there're a few ways to earn a few things,
I thought, all these are pretty much related to WORK!! ^_^
Of course, money/cash is just there, why we work,
Experience, yes, the more we work, the more experience we gain,
And population/popularity… you need to constant do some "job", to gain experience, as well as population/popularity, ie. maybe your "popularity" with your bosses…
And the fact that, some games, which I actually dislike, is that, you need to constantly BE THERE, to click click and click, just like what I'm playing now, Social City, so that, my population will be increased from time to time…, and it just reminds me of work, there're certain job, that your employer will require you, or prefer you to stay there, and do the job constantly, better still… in front of them, let them see…
Which I actually do not quite like… the game, as well as this type of job, not so flexi huh??
Whereas, what I like about the new game, hotel city, I need to "clock in", only once in 2 days… of course, within this 2 days, I may miss some extra coins, (just like perks that you get in office, maybe boss suddenly bring you out for lunch, or some adhoc seminars with good food that you've to attend, or some freebies that got passed down to you, just because you're in the office, ie. you're present, at that point in time!) which I can get by clicking on the guests, going to contact's hotel and continue to click… and so on…
Again, this is that type of GOOD job that I'll like to have, only need to show face once in a while, the rest, the job will just run by itself… haha, sounds like a boss right??

I thought.. These playfish/zynga/playdom people, definitely are serious WORKERS!

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