just a short note on baby... in class, ^_^ her weekend enhancement class...
after the class,
her teacher came out and chiitchat with me,
she told me 2 things...
she said, when they talked about cupcakes,
baby's classmate, edward said, he wanted a cupcake,
and guess what my precious responded?
she actually told him that, "my mother bought cupcakes for me, I give you...!!!" @_@
(no I feel obligated to give her friends cupcakes huh??? ^_^)
the teacher let them do some colouring,
colour the mountain,
we saw the picture before the teacher updated me,
background, brown,
mountain, purple...
see? that's how much my baby loves purple...
the teacher mentioned that,
asked baby why the mountain's brown? (actually, i don't know what a
mountain's colour should be... maybe I'll put brown too...)
and baby answered, "when it's dark, the mountain will look brown...",
the teacher laughed,
cos, maybe at this age, not many kids will respond such "sensibly"...
I guess, in a way, I'm proud on whatever she could answer,
maybe she's just saying whatever that comes into her mind,
but then, at least, in my opinion, she knows what she's doing...
as I've always told her,
you don't do things, or say things that you can't explain why...
argue with me on that, we all know that, there's always a reason, be it
being stupid reason, or not shareable reason, behind our speech, behind
our action, maybe we don't know how to put it in words, but then, there
IS a reason...)
ya, that's how she's in the class,
seems like she pretty much enjoys her schooltime, and weekend classtime...