Ya… 3 nights! I tell you, 3 nights in a row…
Please see here,
oops, it's in chinese!
Anyway, last night was 3rd night,
Tonight?? Unknown… tomorrow I'll tell you ya!!! ^_~
Read this!
From BabyCenter,
What teething symptoms will my baby experience?
Experts disagree about whether teething actually causes symptoms —
like fussiness, diarrhea, and fever — or whether these common symptoms are not
related to teething at all and just coincidentally appear at the same time as
emerging teeth. Regardless, many parents maintain that their teething babies do
experience discomfort (though some babies get through the process with no
problems at all). The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:
- Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
- Gum swelling and sensitivity
- Irritability or fussiness
- Biting behavior
- Refusing food
- Sleep problems
All symptoms, I see them on gabriel!
Ok, except one, ie. "Gum swelling and sensitivity",
I can't check, and yes, we didn't take him to pediatrician…
Cos, in the end, what we're going to get, maybe it's just some
He looks fine and act fine in the day, in fact, he's a good boy!
Praise to Lord, that He's given me a sweet girl and a sweet/good
But for the past 3 nights,
We suspect it's because he's feeling irritated due to his erupting
teeth! *ooh! Better let me see 1 tooth, at least, coming out, at the end of the
day man!
I hope this won't last forever man!
Night time,
Whenever he's awake, or even slightly awake,
He'e crying,
Whatever I do, except carrying him,
Will not ease him, or comfort him,
I sang,
I patted him,
He pushed my hand away,
I thought, maybe he needed some massage on his gum,
So, I massaged, but if only comforted him for a short while,
Then, he started crying again,
Poor thing!
Most of the time, I've no choice, but to stay beside him, and let
him cry till he's tired, and doze off..
HOWEVER! My boy's another stubborn kid (yes, as well as my girl),
inheritted from the cow-cow me, I guess!
His cry pattern is… cried loudly, slowly diminished, when I thought
he's going to fall asleep, he kinda "wakes up" and starts to cry
I guess, I can give him some ointment on his gum, to num the
feeling, (if it's teething, and yes, all symptoms above, except the swelling
part, I can't confirm)
But then again, they're all chemical…
I don't want my babies to grow up in a drug environment!
So, I guess, it's just some pain that he's to go through…
Poor baby!
As of now, at least, he's sleeping soundly for 2 hours…
God! Please grant him peaceful sleep at night!
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