
No Sixth Sense

Sixth sense?
You have? I don't,
You want? No I don't…

Life should be just as it is, not knowing what's tomorrow, not knowing what's next, and every moment, treasured…

Sixth sense?
If I have, the afternoon my mother left us,
I wouldn't be enjoying that peaceful afternoon, colouring my hair for a small photo session,
And half way in the midst of the process,
The bad news come…

Ever since, I've never really "seen" my mother,
As what my little brother's little girlfriend had... (yes, she's sixth sense)

Have you ever really made plan for yourself?
I mean long term plan,
And how many of you have really achieved your plan?
Maybe you have, but no, I don't…
I've heard there're people who'll like to achieve certain things, or be certain people, own certain props, and so on… by certain age…
Their life's as planned, just as planned, nothing  more, nothing less…
Interesting?? Now, don't introduce me to this sort of people, they should be out of my radar…
I don't think I can bear talking to a person, who doesn't have hope, and faith… no, they don't, that's why they can only live with their own plan…

Another reason being,
Oops… I've always failed in my own planned…
Failed in a way, but end up even better in a way,
Who's to give credit?? God of course!!!!!!

I've tried making study plan before, but it always ended up as,
I spent time on it, and wasted time at the same time…
After a couple of rounds, I gave up planning…

Then, I gave up planning…
I live life as it is,
Thinking, praying, thinking and praying…

I'm not sure if you'd like to know what's going to happen in the future…
But I don't, if I do know, I don't think, I'll want to live anymore…
What's there in life for you to hope for, pray for, endure, and learn???

Haha, even though you may not see any connection,
But I like this phrase,
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference." ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

And lately, I found a quote for engraving on our ipad,
"If we pray, we will believe; If we believe, we will love; If we love, we will serve." ~ Mother Teresa
Ya… funny, not enough space, so, the engraving is only 2/3 of the sentence...

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