
Landed property, a phobia??

Again, it's one of those midnight thought and midnight talk…
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I still can hear bike, or any vehicle vrooming past our place… imagine the the altitude that I'm living in?
I can hear them clearly…
And that one night, I suddenly recall, one of the events happened back in my hometown, while I was a teenager… (gosh!! I sound damn old, but I am…)
That… kinda give me a hint, why, deep down in me, I don't like landed property…

Before my parents moved to the current double-storey link house that they're staying in now… we stayed in one of those modified "townhouse", ie. a split unit, ie. 2-storeys, we get contractor to come in, modified ie. the lower unit and the upper unit have their own individual entrance and we took the upper unit…
We moved there, I mean, the older house, while I was twelve, after moving there, only I started to pick up cycling…, till I broke my front tooth…
Oops, anyway, detoured, that's not what I wanted to talk about…

Then, I came to KL to study…
One of the holidays while I was back, as usual, I stayed up late…
I stayed up late, ie. probably up the whole night, till dawn, then, only I went to bed, a DAMN BAD HABIT, started since zillion years ago, which I already can't recall, how it started… probably it started when I learnt how to "cook phone porridge" with my classmates… (imagine that? We met each other in school, everyday, but yet, we can yak and yak on the phone till late at night!! Till my father complained about the phone billl!)
And probably it also started when I listen to all the canto-pop… on my first walkman, of course, sony!!
I guess, that's how I started my "night life"…
That holiday, as usual, I stayed up late, luckily I stayed up late…
Then, I heard something "tiptoeing" on the roof top of the car porch at the front of my house, when I heard the sound, I thought it's one of those cats… they played on that roof top everyday, so, I didn't bother…
But somehow… I got up from the sofa, had a break from my music night,
And I looked into our room, the room I shared with my brother…
I saw a figure at the window, a man, managed to opened the closed-window, which we didn't latch, and tried to climb into our room…
Half of his body was already in, ie. one of his leg, and my auto-response, I shouted…
I'm grateful that, I'm born with loud voice, though a lot of people complained (for fun), and though, my loud voice sometimes did frighten little baby when I carry her… ^_^
I shouted, he's terrified, and ran away…
On his way "down", he actually broke one part of the rooftop fo the car porch…

The next day only we found out, he actually tried to break into the unit downstairs, but maybe he didn't make it, and that, he climb to our floor, and try to come in!
Luckily, nobody was hurt, and he's petty enough to be scared by my loud voice! Unlike the thieves nowadays…

Even till today…
You can categorise me as someone who's feeling damn insecure in actual fact…
Even till today, though we're staying in a condominium, whenever I'm alone (now, alone with a baby) I'm still not 100% worry-free…
At time, when I hear sound, it can be any sound, I'll just get up and check the front door, check the back door… though I know, most people will tell me, it's almost 100% safe, but I don't feel secured indeed…
THAT is the very WHY, I actually am very much, against the fact that I've to stay in a landed property…
I know, it's a phobia in me, and I know it's the insecure feeling in me…
But then, who can guarantee???

Back in year 2005, (if I've not remembered wrongly)
While I was back here alone, while he's working faraway…
My direct neighbour got broken-in,
Of course, not to mention their loss…
But it's the loss of the secure feeling that's most important…
Who can tell me, is there any corner of this world's secure nowadays??
Sad, but true!

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