yep, I manage to find this website, hurray!!!
as I
was just exploring, how I should get more ebook for my kindle, well, not
really my kindle, but the kindle apps on my android tablet,
for your information, there's an apps for iOS too, but then, sad to
say, it's not available in my region, ie. the country where I stay, I
then guess, it's not even possible for me to purchase any ebook from
amazon, right?
I found this website,
cool!! you know why?
it's sooooooooooo many translated work from japan, particularly those thriller, or "suiri" (推理),
so many of them,
I've found some from those weiphone forum, and another website,
but then, I know there're a lot more I should be able to get,
I even went to install some online bookstore, but couldn't find anything interesting...
I just want to have lots and lots and lots of "suiri" stories to read... (hehe!)
but there's a trick, if you bother,
of course, you've to be able to read some chinese, to create a login
ID, (which I think it's quite easy! as, you don't really have to provide
much information)
then, of course, you'll have a have an amazon ID too...
the next thing is, you gotta link them up, and yes,
of course, you've to have a kindle, or you've installed the kindle on your device...
from ikandou website,
go to settings,
--> kindle settings (or something like this),
--> you type in your user ID, ie. your amazon ID
then, on amazon's site,
ahem... you've gotta find the right place la,
you type in your ikandou's ID, something like,
--> manage your kindle (from the pulldown list)
--> "Your Kindle Account" --> personal document settings
--> key in that ikandou ID, ie.
so, when you're in ikandou website, you can "push" some books over to your kindle (then, sync with your device),
it's free!!!
reasonable... as, this website limit your "push", to 5 per days, if
I've not mistaken, then, you can download too, again, it's limited...
cool, right?