
too good to not to share… (blogs)

2 blogs I'll like to share over here… (maybe I've shared before, but then again… since they're good!)
Well… it's not that these are any of those celebrities' blogs, or those celebrity bloggers or whatsoever…
They're my friends' that I've been following,
One's my cousin,
One's my… err… not so closed, but considered old schoolmate…

Ok… due to the good "training" from my uncle, (my late mother's younger brother)
And of course, my cousin's hardwork,
In my opinion, he writes well…
On top of his writing skill, gosh!!! His illustration (do you call it this way? Or simply… his cartoons, drawings?) is even more impressive,
Needless to say, his photography skill…
He's definitely VERY talented!!!!
I'm pleased~~~ to read his writing… sharing his life, his life being a young doctor, in melbourne now…
Again, in my opinion, it's even more interesting that watching those medical drama…

Then, one day, I found my classmate on facebook… (arrgh… you just hate to admit that, facebook's just such a powerful platform, for social networking, right?)
Through her, I found my yet, another close classmate, who I've lost touch… (close, but not keeping in touch on a frequent basis, ok?) who, now, has moved to UK… oh!! How sweet~~~~~~~ good for her… and she's a lovely son, very lovely, very beautiful… (ok, that's sidetrack!! I do get "distracted" most of the time!)
Back to the former, I mean, the not-so-close classmate, (please don't get the impression that we're not in good terms… k? it's just that, I was closer to her cousin sister, ie. the latter…)
Ok… back to the old time, I knew they're kids with very good english, even at that age…
But gosh!!! Look at her blog…
Her english…
I've to say, it's just another level, or probably another another level, as for my standard, or, as for my reading standard, even for pleasure…
It's like… she's writing a book…
Her "stories" have pictures… and of course, you can see that, she likes to take pictures, AND I can also see that, she's such a humble person to actually frequently link herself up with the word, "photography"… ^_~

Like the title says,
These, are just too good to not to share…

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