
there… the pekchek happens… in the name of… %#@%$#%^

You see… most of the time, I'm not that pekchek…
Now, come on!!! I'm a stay-at-home mom, and most days, it's just me, and my lovely daughter…
That's all…
The life's pretty zen,
We get up as we want, in the morning…
And baby always give me her sweetest smile… (yes, if she cries, or whines, that shows that, something's really wrong…)
And we take our own sweet time to have our lunch, it can be simple steam bread, or, boiled eggs, or pasta, or… the food from the previous night…
Then, we watch some TV, she reads some books…
Or, I do some housekeeping, or try to clean something, bla bla bla…
Then, nap time,
Then, get up to prepare for dinner…
I don't really have to rush, cos, our dinner won't start early…
I even have time, to catch the 7 o'clock mediacorp show on weekdays, ok… most of the time, they're watchable…

Pretty zen, right??
Yes, I'll say…
Then, after everybody sleeps… I'll go online, check up on fb's friends' status,
Play some games… read some news, follow up on my "subscription" on google reader… that's it…!!! Nice and simple…
Therefore, most of the time, I'm not that pekchek…
However, sometimes, words maybe heard, things maybe reminded,
And that reminds me of my pekchek identity…
Do I have a choice to not to be that pekchek?? Yes I guess, if I change my gender, and ditch those hormonal thing, forever…
I guess…
Cos, men, they don't really care… they really don't…

As long as I can recall,
I really hate it when people use/misuse the word, "love", "care"…
In the name of love,
In the name of "we care for you",
In the name of "it's for your own good",
In the name of "I just want everybody to be happy",
In the name of…

Let's face it…
If, WE (the pekchek clan) are given some respect,
Of our space,
Of our opinion,
Of our preference,
Of our privacy,
Of our choice,
We are not that pekchek, or at least, I won't be that pekchek… for sure…

Even though, sometimes, people are trying to be democratic,
But come on!!! The feel of anticipation, the eagerness, and the HIGH EXPECTATION'S there…
And worst of all…
I can't take the fact that,
You're of the SPECIAL ones, and the rest is just commoner,
You can have exception, but the rest don't…
Everything's convenient to you, it's the RULE/LAW,
Everything/everyone else's not the preferred ones, or convenience ones, is EVIL!!

You see,
Sometimes, the pekchekness, and more and more of pekchek because of the initial pekchek,
Will just drive us crazy,
Drive us to hell… (ok, at least me, I don't want to be stereotype, or generalize!)
And let me tell you…
I just wish…
I don't exist...


I don't know why, I like cosy corner...

And I don't know why,
I somehow like my dining table, just right next to the kitchen…

Not exactly this one, but yes, it's a cosy corner…

But dining next to the kitchen…
Like this…
So that, you can serve immediately, and I've always found it super cosy… and sweet, where, the person who's still busy preparing, or washing dishes, can still look at, and interact with those… at the dining table...

Did I tell you about the white… wok? (or frypan)?

I think you can get it in SG,

Am I soooooooooo into ceramic??
You bet~

Did I tell you about the white… sink?

Ya… something like this…
A ceramic white sink for my kitchen, if I can get one…

too good to not to share… (blogs)

2 blogs I'll like to share over here… (maybe I've shared before, but then again… since they're good!)
Well… it's not that these are any of those celebrities' blogs, or those celebrity bloggers or whatsoever…
They're my friends' that I've been following,
One's my cousin,
One's my… err… not so closed, but considered old schoolmate…

Ok… due to the good "training" from my uncle, (my late mother's younger brother)
And of course, my cousin's hardwork,
In my opinion, he writes well…
On top of his writing skill, gosh!!! His illustration (do you call it this way? Or simply… his cartoons, drawings?) is even more impressive,
Needless to say, his photography skill…
He's definitely VERY talented!!!!
I'm pleased~~~ to read his writing… sharing his life, his life being a young doctor, in melbourne now…
Again, in my opinion, it's even more interesting that watching those medical drama…

Then, one day, I found my classmate on facebook… (arrgh… you just hate to admit that, facebook's just such a powerful platform, for social networking, right?)
Through her, I found my yet, another close classmate, who I've lost touch… (close, but not keeping in touch on a frequent basis, ok?) who, now, has moved to UK… oh!! How sweet~~~~~~~ good for her… and she's a lovely son, very lovely, very beautiful… (ok, that's sidetrack!! I do get "distracted" most of the time!)
Back to the former, I mean, the not-so-close classmate, (please don't get the impression that we're not in good terms… k? it's just that, I was closer to her cousin sister, ie. the latter…)
Ok… back to the old time, I knew they're kids with very good english, even at that age…
But gosh!!! Look at her blog…
Her english…
I've to say, it's just another level, or probably another another level, as for my standard, or, as for my reading standard, even for pleasure…
It's like… she's writing a book…
Her "stories" have pictures… and of course, you can see that, she likes to take pictures, AND I can also see that, she's such a humble person to actually frequently link herself up with the word, "photography"… ^_~

Like the title says,
These, are just too good to not to share…


The "pekchek" Clan~

See… it ain't easy to be a DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, ie. DIL,
Never!!! Since 5000 years ago, or more…
And will never!!! If you ever happened to be a chinese… it'll be even more difficult, ie. even more pekchek…
I won't drill into the details… ok, everybody's her own story to tell…
And I supposed, that everybody includes the husbandSSSS the mother-in-lawSSSSSS and etc…
So, no story to be told here, just a page for me, happened to be a DIL, yes, cos, I'm married, can I escape that? No, I can't!!!!!!!!!! … to rant!!!

See…  being a DIL's never easy, why??
Cos, when you're pekchek, you can't really tell…
You can't tell that you're pekchek about anything,
Especially anything and everything regarding your IL, I MEAN ANYTHING~~~~~ OK?? GET IT???
Cos, if you do show a little bit of pekchek-ness…
You'll be grilled (just like prawns) and questioned, and interrogated, and side-lined, and condemned (for not being a good DIL) and THAT'LL MAKE YOU EVEN MORE PEKCHEK!!!

Therefore, throughout my years, I've learnt not to speak much, cos, there's no SPACE for me to really speak…
Cos, once you really speak, even the person who you've been sleeping with, so many years, ie. HUSBAND, their son!!! Will also demand an answer, an explanation, or, even an apology, if not, basically just, "take it or leave it, they're old, ok??"
Yes, who doesn't know that they're old!!!???
But what's beyond MY limit, is beyond, fullstop!!!

I'm not sure if all, but I'm pretty sure, it's close to 80-90% of DIL in the world,
You'll be in the clan, ie. the pekchek clan,
You may deny it, you may have experienced it, which now, you've overcomed, but then, you will, or already have the pekchek-ness ONCE in your life-time…
It's either you've grown to accept life as it is,
Or you've started to just deny it, sweep it under the carpet, cos, they're OLD!!!!!!!!

See!! That's why, the whole thing's just pure pekchek!!!
You can't say, you can't really voice out anything, can't tell how you really feel, can't even tell if you're not really happy, or you don't agree with it…
Cos, after you tell, that's it, your life will be made even more miserable, cos, they'll just fail/refuse to understand your point of view!!!
Or does it matter to them? No, it never does…
Though they may pretend that they do, but frankly, they really don't!!
Sometimes, people do it, just simply their social conscience tells them to do so, but deep down in there, they don't really bother about it, or agree with it, cos, the most important is the "ME"!!!

See!! You can't tell them, you don't want to eat the food, WHY? Why don't want??
You can't tell them, you feel like being alone, WHY? Why you want to be alone??? We don't really bother you too much!
You can't tell them, you're busy, seeing that you're busy, they'll still ask, "are you busy?", and expect you to respond to them… can't they just say, "after you finish your work, can you please…?"
You can'te tell them to just leave your kids alone, from oversimulating them, oh!! Cos, they're the LOVING GRANDPARENTS, they probably think that, they OWN your kids, more than you do!!!
You can't tell them what the kids can't eat, or cannot eat, they've their very own theory, and they simply will not know how to respect what you've voiced out to them, and they think that, by practising their power, ie. not agreeing with you, (low-life, lower level) and going against your will, is simply THRILLING!! Cos, they're more powerful, and they seriously think that, you seriously can't do anything about it!!!

You see!! I really hate it, when I even have to tell you WHY, that I'm not feeling good, I'm not feeling happy,
The very main reason can be, it's because of YOU~~~ get it??
But I can't tell it to your face, right?
Even if I do, well, you won't really bother, you'll just start practising your SUPERIOR power onto me, only us, the pekchek clan…
See!!!! In this part of the work, we, the pekchek clan will always be the loosing ones…
You must be telling me that, there're lots and lots of pitiful old people and bla bla bla… yes I know, of course I know…
But hey!!! Do I intend to make them like those pitiful people? Even by telling me this, you're accusing me of my intention,
No… I don't,
I just want my own life, my own space, not having unexpected expectation, or too much of an expectation, not having to have to answer to every single move/words that I've to do and say…
No, I still have to explain, cos, I'm MARRIED!!!

That's why, once, I saw a report, married men are happier, but it's the other way round for women,
UNMARRIED women, are far more happier…
And I truly and fully and absolutely agree with it…
No wonder, there're women, who're willing to get donation of sperm, just to have their own baby…

Yes, my baby's my life, and my baby's my real happiness… again, in this part of the world, it can only be "achieved", by officially married… (again, without much condemnation!)

Again, I guess, at anytime, I can find 10 pekchek soul, when they think of the past, if not the present, or even the future, (don't give me that past, present, future story, ok?)
They'll feel pekchek…

It's just that, we've learnt to keep it to ourselves, and now, thanks to all the tweeting, blogging things…
Yes, there's one small channel for us to rant, rant, and rant…
And after ranting, you can find some similar pekchek souls…
And that's it…
Life still goes on, and we're still pekchek once in a while…
Pekchek till either I die first, or you die first LO, what else?? That's life…

See!!! When we see a man we adore so much, that we wanna get married to him,
And of course, during that time, all negativities would be conveniently ignored…
If I could travel in time…
If I could travel in time…
Probably I'll take the easier way out…
Ie. skip the "socially" married part, ESPECIALLY IN THIS PART OF the world…

Am I happily married ever after?
Well… yes, officially I shall say so…
Unofficially, I shall give thanks to God,
In my dream? I wish life's much more simpler,
And it's just the 3 of us…

If I can ever get out of this part of the world, with my own capability…



What was it?
When was the last time I talked about baby's growth spurt??
Nah… seems loooooooooooooooong ago… really looooooooooong ago…
So, this time, she's having ONE, or, I just make it ONE, for me, and him, her dear parents, to experience it again…
Ie. tiring!!!!!!!!
Drop dead tiring…
If there's one day that I will be tiring, yes, it'll be this day, started about 1 week ago? After the chinese festive season??
Well, I'm not so sure, but then, ya… sort of…

When baby's having her growth spurt, (or, you call it "learning new skill")
Of rolling over, she kept rolling over at night,
Of sitting up, she kept sitting up at night,
Of speech, she kept talking at night,
Refusing to sleep…

Same goes to these days…
What's her growth spurt??
Oh, I'm sure it's a MAJOR one!!
It's either…
Walking, keep walk walk walk,
Or to be independent…
Yes, combining them both, ie. walk independently…
Last night, she actually said, "ai walk walk", in her sleep… (ooh~ how cute! Sweetie!)
"ai", is mandarin's "love", or "want"…

Yes, it's tiring, whenever we're out,
She wants to walk… let's forget about the stroller now…
(and I was betting with him, once, she's over this growth spurt per se, she'll stick to the stroller…)
So… what's the big deal, we let her walk…
But NO~~~ she wanted to let go of our hands..
And NO~~~ she doesn't want to go where we go…
So, most of the time, you'll see her struggling to go 1 direction, while I/he, to the other direction…
Yes, most of the time… (cute isn't it?? Yes, in a way, but then, it's TIRING!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TIME CONSUMING~~~~ but then, I'm so glad that, she's one kid, who definitely strongly has her own opinion, and yes, she actually did try very hard to insist, but of course, due to size matter… we always overpower her, hehehe…)
Other than that??
Ooh… don't go into ANY shop…
Well, she still doesn't have the concept of "buying" yet..
Just that… she sees us grabbing things from the shelves all the time, and she loves to copy that act…
She even flipped her shirt/skirt to "indicate" that, she's a wallet…
(ooh… tell me how cute she is, oh my lovely baby… just tonight, he went to take his wallet from the car, she, and I, at the dining table… I was explaining to her that papa's going to the car, to take the wallet, and she said, "wallet", flipping her shirt… pointing towards her waist… and haha… I smiled, and nodded, telling her that, "yes, wallet! Papa's wallet…, we girls will not put wallet there, we'll put our purse in the handbag, remember? Your shopping bag??" she nodded again… oh~)
Back to the shop's story…
And yes, she will, all the time, imitate us, and try to grab something, whatever it is…
(it's not like she has to buy A TOY whenever she goes out, she still doesn't have that concept yet, ie. buy + toy! Though, seeing toy, she'd be thrilled!)
So, another half of the time, is, we, persuading her to put back whatever she's grabbed..
It can be water bottles, or name card holders… (water bottles, maybe, cos, she saw me seeking extensively for suitable water bottles for her in the departmental stores, and maybe that left a big big impression in her memory…)
And now, we learn a way to make her put those things back, which, it'll be a mission impossible for us, ie. to get from her…
We asked her to pass back to the shop keeper…
Hehe… yes, with strangers, she doesn't dare to say "no"… ah kakakakakaka…

Doesn't seem tiring?
Wait till you try it…



Hm… ever since I set myself such "deadline", well… I've not really achieved any, yet…
Not just yet…
First day, 4am,
Second day, 4am too,
Yesterday, 6am… phew… cos, I was reorganizing my ipod apps… ^_^…

However, having a "target" is definitely better than not having one…
And… yes!! Gambatte to myself, I've done something to enable myself to be able to meet the target…
I know I know, what I'm going to say, doesn't make any sense to any of you, most likely…
If any of you out there's having the same "problem" with me, ie. hooked on fb games, hooked on ipod/iphone games too much…

There you go!
First, I removed all the games, except "smurf village", cos, baby likes the music… that means, I don't need to do harvesting, collecting coins, serving food, cooking, having new livestock anymore…
Second, I've decided, for certain games in fb, that includes "cleaning the location", so that, more "civilian can move in", as long as, after those "cleaning job", there still ain't enough "leisure" for them, yes, I'll forget about doing the cleaning, I'll just spend my time to concentrate on the "contracts", ie. making more money, fullstop…

Yes, you ask me, I'll say, "good"!
At the same time, I've made myself a newyear (chinese new year LO!) resolution, ie. read more books…
That doesn't mean I'm going to buy more books, cos, there're already sooooooooooooo many books sitting in the bookcase, not just the bookcase, but almost everywhere in the house, wa haha!!!
And that… I shall pamper myself, for buying 1 more item… kekeke… ie. a booklight,
I told him, we shall get 1 for each of us,
So that, we can sit back in our cosy bedroom, sitting besides the sleeping baby…
And enjoy those books…

Sounds cool huh?


Today's the only day I wish, I'm super duper rich, that, my neighvbourhood has no chinese, who'll not fireup super duper firework, firecracker, after midnight, for 1 full hour, and who'll respect the peace of the neighbourhood, and who'll understand that, doing all these, doesn't necessarily make you richer!!!!!!! ..l..


I just want to let you know that, I still hold the same perception about certain things, and people; I live life this way, so that I will not feel unhappy again, cos, I love my life and I will not let it be ruined by nonsense, moreover... I love my baby... who still needs me...
談天說地,談笑風生,突然間一句,“最重要是有錢”,哦!蠻殺風景的,我想吐。Talk talk tak, chat chat chat, money money money~~ oh~ how unappetizing... but that's what the CNY's all about, right?? huat ah~~ (puke!)
自我中心的人啊!不說實話的人啊!愛做作的人啊!貪錢的人啊!面對你多一點,我的命會短一點。Money-face, self-center, manipulative, pretentious, put me with these people a day longer, my life will be a day shorter... bravo~~ then you can take all I have, and I will not see you in heaven~
有的人,可以說出一大堆的理由,讓你帶她到處走走、看看、吃喝玩樂,但是,她也可以說出一大堆的理由,爲什麼其他的人很麻煩,還是不帶着的好,包括自己的兄弟姐妹。There're people who will give tonnes and tonnes of reasons, why you should bring them out to eat, drink, play, but they'll also give you tonnes and tonnes of reason, why the others are just so troublesome to go together, even though they're the siblings...