
sending her to government school...

ya... you read the title, it's a big NO NO right??
yep... for a while, I thought about sending her to private school, but after some check and balance, we think it's pretty risky... what more to say, all my peers, they're having their kids in government schools too...
all still look cheerful,
all are still smart,
all are still very... themselves, if you know what I mean...
all... still have lives... again, if you know what I mean...

I've come across such saying before...
in the end, it's our attitude that counts, ie. parents' attitude, towards their performance in school, academically, or non-academically...
and... anyway, you should know... parents, are the first teachers to our dear children...
and... if you do disagree, then, stop here, and leave this page, I've nothing much to say,
in the end, we're in different world, we're in different position, and, we're in different boat...

so, the other day, we went to some place, to have some buffet, and the common washroom, based on the past experience, was dirty...
and I disliked it a lot,
so, the other day, when we're about to go to the washroom, I was telling my baby, that, the washroom is very dirty, "are you sure you wanna go with me?", (I haven't got much choice, as, I had too much of green tea, and that, I really gotta let it go, ^_^)
and that's what my baby said,
"don't worry, the washrooms in my school, are even dirtier!!"

now... I kinda gathered, what our education will provide my children...
well... I don't expect our education to be anything great, so great as to be compared to education system in other countries, even our nearby neighbouring countries...
oh~~ all not so great...
yes, we, parents, are job is to fill in the blank...
but I kinda gathered, yes, kinda...
that, it'll kinda train my children to be tougher~
yes, survival skill...
survival skill in this horrible world, in this horrible country, with horrible other people! kinda...
horrible, mostly...

of course, no. 1 to be,
dirty washrooms,
50 over children in a classroom, fighting for attention,
classroom with no cool-airconditioner, in hot weather at present, hotter and hotter...
though most children choose to be quiet, but still learning and trying to ask question... (I asked her to try to talk to teacher, when teacher's free!)
eating in a not so appetizing canteen, (no, I've to be fair, in fact, the canteen in her school is new, and pretty good, good enough for the standard of being it called "government", I think, it can be worse, but Praise the Lord, this school, really is not that bad!)
learning 3 languages, and sometimes you do wonder why... why so many... and most importantly, the "weight" is not balanced...
having textbooks/workbooks, which... seriously, even as an adult, you don't quite understand WHY, the purpose of the syllabus, and the purpose of those questions...

nevermind, we'll go through it,
and we'll check it out, trying to solve the problems...
ie. the problems of those brain-damaged book editor/writer, who, probably didn't even know where they're heading...
but, all so nevermind~
we'll go through this together,
we'll be tougher,
and hopefully one day, after going through all these great nonsense in our country...
we'll yet grow up to be tougher, (as for me, grow OLD to be tougher)
and that, hopefully one day, we'll be able to help to improve such system...

and hopefully, one day, when we look  back,
we'll say to them,
"nah... you stay where you are," (ie. as stupid as you can be!)
"and, I'll go where I want to go, with my strength, and my freewill...",

yes, THIS,
is to teach us to be...
tougher... simply...

as I told my childhood friend the other day...
don't look at those school academically...
these places...
(you ask me why? ya... full of $$ scandal, 1.headmaster/headmistress who siphon the money from the school fund to don't-know-where, ie. hostile for the parents! 2. headmaster/headmistress/teacher, who, without communicating sincerely, bring out a cane, and hit those poor little school goers - you tell me, the environment's not hostile?? 3. once in a while, stupid politician bring out all sorts of nonsense facts, just for their own benefit, if you ask me, but that... involves change, CHANGE in our education system! not hostile??? HOSTILE~~~~~)

ya... whoever are involved in causing this hostile environment, you deserve hell~
but I'll still thank you, for making our children tougher... if they will be...
and that's one good thing that you've done,
in this worldly world...
yet, it's not good enough of course, to bail you out of hell...

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