

suddenly I kinda miss the good old multiply.com days...
things were simpler,
I wrote my blog, automatically share, I wrote my own notes, then, my photo albums, easily organized...
I could see who're the viewers, and who're not... well... it's simpler, straightforward, and serve its purpose,
at present, yes, I use twitter, I use facebook, and I use G+, I even use weibo, for different purposes, and for different information...
I've ditched (kinda) reading my rssfeed, as I don't have much time, though... just today, I've kinda revitalised IT, I used to read rssfeed off google reader, then, google ditched its reader, and now I use feedly, anyway... that's not the point, for a while, I thought moving from rss to facebook (they kinda overlap a bit) is kinda good, everything in there, right? But then, lately, I find my facebook a little bit heavy... it's gone to the stage where it's almost everything, but it's almost... NOTHING!
Yes, facebook serves a lot of “purpose” in this sense, but then, it serves too many purposes till it's not purpose, to a point yes!!!
Lately, I just use it to “bookmark” certain articles, ie. I “share” the article to “only me”...
I kinda use it as news reader rather than social network, social wise? Yes, I use it to SPAM my friends' WALLS, haha! ^_^
for social purpose? Then, I revert to twitter, kinda more interesting...
cos, facebook, to me, it's kinda get to a “boring” point, ie. I kinda know who reads my stuff, and who doesn't, and I know who will “like” my stuff, or who couldn't care less, or... whatever, but for twitter, and weibo, yes, weibo, there're kinda “genuine” reply, I mean, twitter's just followers, that's all, the problem with facebook is kinda... the “like” is “disturbing”, haha... it's like, it's there, therefore, you gotta click, and therefore, whatever you post, you're bothered with the fact, if there're other peole who'll “like” it... see???
I've seen... err... “peeped”, kinda... somebody in a cafe, simply staring at facebook, cos, it's an IN thing? He, staring at it, putting his hands on the keyboard, not typing, maybe he wanted to type, but nothing to type, maybe he wants to reply, but didn't dare to reply? I don't know...
well, my brother's “advised” me to just stop using... well, that's in my mind, haha, I mean, just stop using facebook, nah!! you won't die not using it!! (ya, I'm telling myself that!)
see, during the multiply.com days, I was much more organized, my notes, my blogs, and my photos, and whatever things that I've decided to share online,
if I gotta share news? I shared via my google reader (now feedly),
now, I kinda share everything in facebook, but see, not everything that I shared, people want to see... and that, not everything that I've shared, is kinda... sad to say, worth sharing??
yes, I was much more organized in that sense, all my photo albums are nicely kept, chronologically... (I do have a bit of problem about time, I mean, I'm pretty particular about this chronology type of thing...)
then, I blogged more, easy to share, easy to blog...
facebook, in a way, it's getting too superficial, and too “opened”, even though I've kept my privacy to its max, but then, it's still kinda “opened”...
anyway, therefore, I've kinda stopped using it, kinda...
ie. I don't really share my “status” there anymore,
and I don't really share my photos there too,
ad-hoc photos, here and there, a bit,
non-privacy photos, like food, place, I can easily do it on twitter...
then, for top-privacy photos, ie. For family, well... I only have that handful of family members... (my 2 brothers, haha!) then, I can simply just do it over G+ (Google PLUS)
in a way, I love G+ interface, it's obviously less, much less loaded...
the only thing is, it's less “users”, and less “pages”, saying that, using facebook is so much more easier, especially for “pages” that I've subscribed to...
but then, lately, I've just tried to revert everything, ie. Back to feedly, (or any news/rss reader)
ie. everything is there in ONE place (as I've organized) for me to read now or later, anytime...
for facebook, well, my pattern of reading through it, is kinda, like... timeline...
on my newsfeed timeline, I kinda like got myself caught into this “catching up” thing...
SAD, right??
so... I gotta “unsadden” myself... haha!

Anyway, if multiply's back into action, will I use it?
I guess, I will... cos, I'm kinda comfortable with it...
the way the information's organized in its site, also, cos, it's not as popular as facebook, therefore, less hackers are interested in it... therefore, it's kinda more “private”... ^_^


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