
The Priceless...

something... something is just priceless... in my opinion, in life...
which everybody's already known... but I'll just have to say it again, cos, it's timeless... too...
one is our family,
one is our health...
family - we may quarrel, argue, sometimes, even turns out like enemies... but like the chinese saying, "blood's thicker than water", somehow, the bond's there...
but it doesn't mean that, no blood bond, equals to no bond...
you know what I mean...
yes, we may complain about our siblings, or parents on and off...
but today, if you've finished your university... (unless you're an orphan, or abusive parents, that's different story) under the care of your parents...
and if you've got an almost OK career... (no career's consider perfectly OK!)
or, if you've already started a family, with kids,
and in your memory, besides, sometimes, being scolded by your parents for not doing your homework, other than that...
whatever that's happened in the past, for eg. parents argued sometimes, or bla bla bla bla bla... or parents really scolded you hard sometimes... because of some bad things that you've done...
as long as, you don't come from a broken family, ie. abusive/alcoholic/whatever-damaging-stupid-addiction parents...
I guess, you and me, are just OK...
if you're reading this blog, with a lightened heart, (not a heavy and hateful heart)
then, I guess, you and me, are just OK...
and just because of this, "just OK",
let me tell you, and let me tell myself...
that, we should say thanks, to our parents...
if you've kids today, you'll know that, nobody's perfect, and thus, no parent is perfect...
so, don't be too harsh on your parents...
especially, they're getting old...
maybe sometimes, you look at their face...
maybe some small acts that they do,
disgust you (sorry to say), but no matter what, they're your parents, (yes, choong! they're your parents!)
they've at least bought proper baby formulae for you before,
have bought nice cute baby clothing for you before,
changed your diaper before,
potty-trained you before,
fed you (with or without patience, I don't know LA!) before when you've just learnt how to chew on solid food, bla bla bla...
and they've sent you to proper school,
bought some additional reading materials for you,
sent you to tuition class...
please! don't think that, all these are BY DEFAULT!
even as kids, as their children, nothing would come easy, nothing would be BY DEFAULT...
I'm not saying that, our parents might not have wanted to do all these... but sometimes,
not everybody CAN (capability wise, mentally wise, health wise, financial wise, bla bla bla bla bla...) afford to give us all these...
and that...
if you're what you're today,
and you've not been through hardship...
say thanks to your parents...
and say thanks to the Almighty God in Heaven, who gave us our parents... who're caring... and and careful...
like I said, nobody's perfect, thus, no parent will be perfect,
including you and me now, and including you and me, in the future...
as what I have told my friend, therefore, nobody dares to write, "how to be 100% parent/mother"...
cos, there's nothing as 100%,
you force your kids alllllll the way, to achieve the greatness high in his study, maybe somebody will still jump out, and tell you that, you've ripped off his childhood, his play time, and too much stress for him and bla bla bla...
I suddenly feel like blabbering and blabber... in this manner...
it's because I've just watched (not finished yet) a taiwanese series, "Gloomy Salad Days" (死神少女)

... to be continued in another blog entry...

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