
Asian Value - a Good Husband

I watch mediacorp drama “Love Blossom” (it’s showing on AEC, Part I and Part II, now, showing part II)
and I came across the blog entry by Betty Wu 吳淡如 (she’s a famous TV host and writer in Taiwan, but just to clarify not my favourite of the favourite, my favourite is 張曼娟)
her blog titled: 夾心餅乾是無能的
(url: http://blog.1-apple.com.tw/bettywu/index.cfm?Fuseaction=PersonArticle&ArtID=100462)

很多男人跟大同一樣,真的不了解原本應該賢淑寬容的妻子怎麼會變了樣,讓自己在原生 家庭和新家庭之間,裡外不是人。這些夾心餅乾常覺得自己很可憐,搞不懂妻子為什麼要把關係搞得這麼僵,事實上夾心餅乾都是無能的,無能處理人際關係、無能 化解家庭衝突、沒有意識到自己的角色應該有變化。他們的角色還停留在「兒子、少爺」,而不是「丈夫、父親」。

and since I’ve been following “Love Blossom II” every weekdays, neh! the part about “kai wang” (開旺) and “zhi jing” (紫荊)
it struck me as,
hm… our teaching…
I remember, as a girl, my mother taught me on “how to be a good wife” (well, not exactly, but you know what I mean, by learning to do all the housechores, cooking, behave in front of the elderly, who is who, bla bla bla…)
but I’m not sure, and I’M REALLY VERY NOT SURE
if mother/father actually teach their son on “how to be a good husband”
nah… I doubt it… believe me…
ask my brothers, ^_^;;

from the blog (well, betty wu’s sharing her friend’s experience as her writing material)
from the movies…
it does seems like, that’s how asian men are brought up, or SPECIFICALLY, Chinese men!

in “love blossom”, when Kai Wang failed to give her wife Zi Jing this “secured” feeling (mostly financially, and also, the future)
his mother told her, “he’s always been like that”
ya… what most wives get is “he’s always been like that” (if any of you get it otherwise, do share!)

and what compliments this, is Betty Wu’s writeup,
she wrote (in the second paragraph) most men, stay as what/who they are, as “son”, as “shao yeh” (cantonese, “siu yeh”)
but not “husband”, “father”, after they got married…
ya, most men are still papa/mama’s boy even after they got married, the thing is, they do not want to admit it…^_^
and that’s why all the “complication” cannot be handled properly…
cos, the man, failed to become the FIREWALL, but only become the “sandwiched” man!
you see the difference??

my opinion:
men, only learn to be a good husband by himself…
so, what’s his parents doing?
(sorry, hope I don’t offend anybody)

for eg. my ex-boss, once mentioned about her son…
she said, her son so ‘pai tee’ with her now, next time got girlfriend, don’t know how…
hai… sad to hear that right??
yep… I supposed, asian (mainly Chinese, maybe) parents,
“producing” a good wife material type of daughter is something that’s proud…
and because of the long traditional thinking (Chinese ma!! son is “bigger” than daughter, ie. 重男輕女)
I don’t think it’s even come into their mind that, “producing” a good husband material type of son, is also something right for them to do??

then, aren’t we lucky that we’re married to a man who’s graduated from his own self-learning-to-be-good-husband/father??
are you?
are we?
am i?
and, are you teaching your son to be a good husband??

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