
YOu're my Dopamine~~

ya, many years ago, i came across this word... "dopamine" on a documentary (can't remember the title of it though)
^_^... ghee...
however... as of today, i search through the internet, most of the result can get to quite detailed in explanation, be it, scientific, or medical...
anyway, below is what i want and it's near to what i remember off the "documentary" that i came across many years ago...

"Dopamine is commonly associated with the pleasure system of the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a person proactively to perform certain activities. Dopamine is released (particularly in areas such as the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex) by naturally rewarding experiences such as food, sex,[9][10] drugs, and neutral stimuli that become associated with them. This theory is often discussed in terms of drugs such as cocaine, nicotine, and amphetamines, which seem to directly or indirectly lead to an increase of dopamine in these areas, and in relation to neurobiological theories of chemical addiction, arguing that these dopamine pathways are pathologically altered in addicted persons. Recent studies indicate that aggression may also stimulate the release of dopamine in this way.{Vanderbilt University (2008, January 15). Aggression As Rewarding As Sex, Food And Drugs, New Research Shows. ScienceDaily.}"

well... don't get into too details... ^_^ as it's just simply too scientific... hehe...

i started to think of "you're my dopamine" as...
i reckon, all of us do have somebody who's so precious that...
to put it in sentence, "i just can't do anything about him/her, the moment i see him/her, all anger, tiresome's gone"
and etc.
to most parents, maybe... their children are their dopamine...
for me... i realized this, many years ago... before our dear daughter comes to the world (then, it shall be revised)
so far, he IS my dopamine...
i'm sure most couples do have arguments once in a while...
same for both of us...
however, imagining how angry i can be, and what i shall do, what i shall say when i see him ^_^
WHEN i see him, all gets rubbed off... almost silently... for unknown reason...
unexplanable... (or, explanable, just that, the has-nothing-better-to-do me, simply try to me it slightly more complicated)
therefore, eventually... i reckon... he simply is my dopamine...

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