
Good Bye!! (好走!!)

I do not know if any of us, or any of you who're reading this, has come to a point, where we live for somebody...
ya, somebody we love, somebody's who's dear to us...
we live, because of the person...
we whatever... because of the person...
else... why do we live...

(in Catholic terms.. we live, to praise God, to worship God... well... can I put that aside??)

yep.... we used to live just for ourselves... when we haven't found our destiny... haven't found somebody who's worth spending time with, spending life with... or... the somebody's there... exist? and we don't realize??

on the 9th of December 2008, my brother told me, our grandfather (my mother's father) have finally found out that, my mother has long left all of us... on the 23rd March this year... in the car accident...
he started calling people to confirm this bad news... (after we've kept from him for so long.. finally...)
and that after that... according to my brother, which according to my uncle who takes care of him... he refused to eat, refused to take medicine, and finally... on the eve of 16th Decembe 2008... he did not survive his 5th round of stroke... and passed away... at the age of 80++

my grandfather may have chosen not to live, since my mother is already not around... as, usually... my mother is the one who took care of him, while he's in the hospital... who called him up while he's bored.. and who advised him on how to deal with the others (since he's such a difficult character in a way)... now, the person, who he found, worth living for... is not around anymore...
maybe... maybe he chose to leave too... on that night...

I personally do not agree that, we should live for somebody... as we live for ourselves...
however... I also, do personally gather that.. up to a certain point in one's life... we do need somebody for us, to live for...
maybe because we're aging... maybe because of the bond we've slowly developed with others... and maybe.. for all sorts of other reasons that I can't think of...

不是說無情。。。外公也八十多歲了。。。有媽媽在的日子,他過得還有意思一點。。。現在,意思沒有了。。。可能,他老人家。。。, 再套一句老話,“不想活了”



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