

When I first saw her pics, I thought, hm… I've seen this pose somewhere…
Then, I looked again… ahaa… I found it… HAHAHA~

The problem with watching japanese drama...

… is~
I lost all the interest in watching the rest of the dramas, mainly those HK's, SG's…
When I was not hooked on any of those dorama,
I could sit in front of the TV, and watch almost anything "presented" by our dear Astro…
But then, one fine day, I decided to find back my old "identity", ie. a dorama-queen…
Is the problem…
I can't really get myself to be interested in any other dramas lately…
Except… ok, except the new season 6 of Criminal Minds… kekeke...
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Earth Hour or not?

Since the Earth Hour day's approaching,
I suddenly thought of this… yes, while rinsing baby's cloth diaper…

I know, because of this "event", there're a lot of business people seeing business opportunity for this, ie. party…
Good and bad…
While, most of the people are busy "attending" one…
I was wondering,
How many!!
How many out of these people, who're attending the event, are a real earth person?

I'm not saying I'm one of them, at least, on the "earthian" basis,
I give myself, just a passing mark…
I mean, I don't strive hard to achieve one, but then, I do remind myself to be one…
Get it?

How many of these people, eat more vegetables? Or eat more organic farmed vegetables?
How many of these people, who happen to be parents, cloth-diaper their babies/toddlers, and mothers - breastfeed…
How many of these people, who actually shop minimally… (ok, just like my previous blog, I'm "on my way" there… at least, I know very well that, being a mother, make me a better person, kinda… and Praise the Lord for that…)
How many of these people, who don't drink, don't smoke… come on!! Party people!

My failed part is…
I need airconditioning…
The weather's very hot… damn hot… and I know, the more airconditionings out there, up and running, and hotter the weather will be…
Chicken and egg…
Another chicken and egg thing… the weather's changing, it's colder around this time, compared to previous years… again, due to the global warming or whatever it is…
Weather pattern's changing, kinda shifted… my layman-term observation, ie. it used to snow around dec-jan in the northern hemisphere, but it still snow… NOW… scary, if you ask me…
And because of this,
I acutally CAN, and able to sleep without airconditioning… the second half of the nigh… till the morning, till the noon… good huh?
So, minimal…

Another failed part is…
Gosh!! I've to on my PC… NO MATTER WHAT,
I can live without the rest, but no, my life will be meaningless, without my PC, without internet…
What a big enemy to the earth, right?

Back to the Earth Hour thing…
Therefore, the whole thing, yes, I know, it's out of good will… but when it's turned into the money-making reason for business people, and while it's becoming so POPULAR…
How many of those people who SUPPORT the idea… actually live the idea?

My favourite quote…
"It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." ~ Adlai Stevenson…

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On my way to… zen minimalist...

On my way… yes, on my way… ^_^ I won't know how long it takes, well… maybe it'll never come true, but yes, on my way… ^_^…

First, I removed 1 clutter from my kitchen counter top… ie. less plates, less bowls…
Since I won't be bother to spend time to dry dishes, I used to stack dishes on the counter top, on an ikea's dish rack… but it's very much a clutter… well… to dry…
Ok… to cut it short…
I've removed the rack, leaving me a SPARKLING spacious counter top to do my kitchen work…
And we've been dining with 1 plate, else, add 1 bowl - for soup…
Yes, I'll arrange the dishes nicely for dinner, with the rice…
Yes, we don't eat like the typical chinese anymore… (chinese again huh?? Hm…)
And that makes dinner easier, less tiring…
AND, less plates/bowls for me to wash… everything's more like breeze now…

Second, yes, I kinda feel that I've changed a bit, just a little bit…
I dug out the long time OLD chinese tea, which we bought from Mei Jia Wu, Hangzhou, when we're in shanghai in year 2004…
It's been sitting in the fridge for zillion years…
Yes, you'll tell me, it'll be tasteless by now… but as for me, it still taste like tea… so, it's ok…
It's been sealed nicely in the tea container, and sitting at the back of the fridge… I purposely didn't want to use it…, I mean the tea…
My problem is…
Yes, MY PROBLEM… I tend to keep things, emotionally, digitally, and physically…
Ie. we do have a lot of unused, unimportant, untouched, un-whatever items in our house…
Most~~ I call it SENTIMENTAL…
And he knows very well about it…
But lately… I feel that, we're running out of space, with more NEW items added into our household… ie. baby's clothes, baby's toys, baby's books, and baby's whatsoever…

Therefore, one fine day, I decide to declutter certain obvious places…
Like my clothes shelf, my daily wear, ie. t-shirts, nursing wears, shorts, pants, bla bla bla… those not too special, not too expensive type of wears…
That shelf's going to explode, I know, if I continue to stuff more shirts/shorts in there…
And it's been getting more difficult for me to search for things…
Therefore, I took most of them out, if I really can't wear it anymore, and I don't think there's any value in keeping them, ya… I give it away, to who?
To our part-time maid… yes, having a part-time maid's good…
The rest? I put them into the vacuum bags, sealed them off… and again, put them into the far deep end of the cupboard…

Kitchen? I removed some of the pots and pans…
Yes, more to be removed, we moved these items from the old smaller apartment, to this bigger apartment, but for now, I'm more sure, and I can tell you for sure, THAT, we won't move these items, I mean, some plates, and some bowls, or some saucers, or some mugs… to the bigger, newer apartment… no, I can tell you for sure…
And I can tell you for sure that we won't be using them anymore, and we won't even bother to look at them…
Give it away?
Yes, I gave it to the part-time maid…
And the thing is… she appreciated that…
She updated me the other day, that she actually sent those items back to her hometown, in indonesia…
I was a little bit surprised, cos, those items, clothes, pots and pans…  bla bla bla… are not like the most expensive things on earth, ie. worthless… and I asked her, how much is the shipping fees?
She said, around a hundred bucks over… there I though, ok… reasonable, else, I actually feel bad…
I mean, you won't want to pay 100 for an item that's worth 10 right??
(and guess what, I did that before, and I still hold hard about this fact… ie. I ordered a blackberry casing, worth USD10, but then, the BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODY custom, upon delivery, made me pay nearly another USD25 for that… damn you!! Custom!!)

Ok, that's about my kitchen, and clothes, and dining…
And I've been looking up and down on the internet, about organising…
To declutter more spots in our household…

Well… I've to say, the result?
I'm pretty please, and relaxed about it…
Yes, feel good…
And now, I'm less sentimental LIAO… keke…
I mean, unwanted and  unnecessary SENTIMENTALism… what for?

I'll say, it's good to change...



Yoo...!! that's my by-default addons, ie. a must-have...
what's yours?
 your must-have? let me know, let me know... 


Baby songs...

Do you see/hear the similarity about these 2 songs?
Well… I do…
When I finally heard "hush, little baby"… I was like, ooh… nice, that's how it's sung…
But somehow, I feel pretty familiar about this sort of tune…
One night, I thought about another song, that I used to… used to, kinda like… (ie. not that crazy, but when I heard that song, it's kinda catchy to me…)
Ie. kingdom hospital OP…

Do you see the similarity between these 2?


ew~~ not again???

Since I'm watching Liar Game now… (dorama, not the manga…)
Again… I'm in love with somebody…
So, I'm in love with Matsuda Shota…
Or Akiyama?

Is it that, nobody can do better than Matsuda Shota for the role of Akiyama?
Or… anybody who picks up that role, will be just as cool…???

But, seriously… I'm in love… ^_^

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3 + 3

I heard about this before…
(well… forget about the title, that's not what I wanted to say, ^_^)
If you're in a relationship for 3 years, and if you break up, then, you'll have to give it another 3 years to "heal" your emotional wound…
Etc. etc. etc…

(ok, why the title's 3 + 3, cos, I remember this chinese song, very old song, 左三年、右三年… so, in total? 6 years?? Serious, I don't know the "singer" means it to be 3, or 6 years… nah… I can't be bothered…)

Then, I read about smoking,
For a smoker's lung… (use your imagination…)
If you've smoked for 10 years, and you decided to quit, putting aside the "difficulties" in kicking the habit/addiction,
You'll have to give it another 10 years, for your lungs to be "cleared"…

There comes the addiction, any addictions (I supposed) and habits…
Old habits die hard…
I really would like to second that, second that and second that again… ^_^
It's just unimaginable… how difficult it is…
For people to kick their addiction, right?
See… if just to kick a habit, it's already so hard for one,
What about addiction??

Now… probably you'll ask me, what's the difference between these 2?
I can't really say, professionally… but then,
I kinda think that, and also have read before, an "addiction", basically is something that, if you DON'T do, it'll affect your daily life, and emotion…
And if a habit gets "severed", maybe it'll turn into addiction?? (I don't know…)
Do you call your hobbies, a habit? Or addiction?
What's the difference between an "addiction", a habit, and a hobby??
I mean, putting aside the negativite and positive nature of each of them…
To carry it/them out… is there much difference??


Nao "to" Akiyama...

… am on Liar Game II now…
How nice it is for Nao…
Always the good goddess,
Always trusting people…
And always… there's Akiyama to back her up…
It's already becoming a "habit" which, Akiyama will just help "save" Nao out of any trouble, ie. she, loosing that round of LGT, simply just to put her back to the "position" for her to show her kindness, naiveness… etc.,
Yes, Toda Erika's the best candidate to play such role if you ask me, ^_^ oh… you guys know, she's my goddess…, if I can be as good as Akiyama, then, I will PROTECT her too… ^_^ ghee…
And thinking from Nao's point of view… isn't it sweet, extremely sweet, that there's a guy as such, to protect you and help you, so that, you can continue your belief, ie. believing in each other, and the world will be so beautiful???

Anyway, I towards episode 7, I'm kinda irritated by Katsuragi~~~
Yes, when she started to "hate" Nao…
Why does everybody "hate" Nao??
Everybody here, means those bad people… ^_^
Simply, because in their pathetic world/life, they can't understand that, there's trust and love between people,
All they care, and know, is just MONEY~~
Katsuragi did say, if one gets emotional, one's bound to loose, however, I do think that, her blind spot's Nao… ^_^ isn't that good!!!??? I can't wait to see the day, she LOOSES! But of course, knowing that, Nao will be such a sweet and naively kind girl, I suppose she'll just go up to her, and offer to shake hands… @_@

This is the OP for Liar Game I, (there's Liar Game II, which is the one I'm talking about now, and Liar Game Final Stage - Movie),

Ok… although there's nothing much to see and to tell in this OP, but I simply love to see these 2 together, Erika & Shota…
Isn't Shota cool? (I used to like his brother Ryuhei, whose works are more on movies, rather than drama series, but now, I thought, this role's best for Shota… keke…)

And if you'd like to have a peek at the dramas,
There you go…

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