
Flying Kiss...

Baby's grandparents were here over the weekend, partly for the holidays, partly for the celebration of the grandfather's birthday, yep… it's kinde becoming a ritual (ritual's good for family bonding) yearly where we'll go somewhere within the country, for holiday, in conjunction of his father's birthday…

Once a year,
Something to look forward to…
And I enjoy doing all the planning…

But funnily, grandfather's been teaching baby about "flying kiss",
She's not quite grasp the whole act yet, ie. the kiss part… though her hand's gesture's correct…
We all thought it's cute, and we laugh whenever she does that…
And she actually kinda know that, "flying kiss" is part of the "goodbye" gesture… (just that she doesn't know when's the right time to use it?? @_@)

So, here came the problem...
Yep… each time, whenever we drive pass our security guard house,
One of the security guard adores her… he MUST say "bye" whenever he sees her in the car…
This time, late a night…
When we got back, drove pass the guard house,
People said "bye!",
And guess what she did?
LUCKILY~~ her response usually comes slow…
Ie. around 1-2 second slower…
Ie. the guard didn't see her "intended" "flying kiss"…
Ya, she raised her hand, put near to her mouth, and slowly moved the hand to the front…
Immediately, I stopped her…
Telling her that, "baby!! "flying kiss" cannot be simply used!! Only to "yeh yeh", papa, mama, and grandmother!"

Ok ok, after that night, didn't see her using it anymore..
I guess, she got what I was trying to tell her?

Toy * Virtual...

When we're much much younger, ie. when we're so small… we longed for all the toys that we can see in the shops… but we couldn't afford to buy them, or… all of them…
At present,
As we've our own job, or as for my case, since I'm s stay-at-home-mom, I do have a husband who'll buy things that I really needed for me… for eg. A PC?? ^_^ or extra external HDD… haha!!! (yep… LV, or Gucci are not my cup of tea…)

Till that day, I just realized that, it's been soooooooooooooo long that, I don't really have a toy, as in toy…
People called iphone, or some ipad thing, ie. I.T. gadgets - toys… yes, to some extent, it's true, cos, you keep "playing" them in your palm, what about real toy??

No, I'm still not talking about real toy here…
But then, it's near to being a toy, a toy that I want, and a toy… that, toy being toy, you don't find them being useful in any other sense, except… BEING A TOY…

I've played playfish Restaurant City for quite some time, in fact, it's one of the very first games that I've played, when I started playing games on facebook…
Then, for quite a great period, I didn't want to login to that game, cos, I just have the idea that, I need to "feed my employees every 4 hours", it's simply taxing…

Till one fine day,
My cousin told me that, it's been changed to shift… ooh!! Then, I started back the game…
However, due to the fact that, I've left the game for quite some time, I'm pretty lagged behind, comparing to all my other friends, who actually started the game later than me…

And yes, there's just something that I want so much…
Which most of my friends who're regular on RC, have already got it!!!
~_~ and yes, that makes me desperate…
That's the time I realized that, I actually wanted some "toy"… ^_^

Ooh… finally with some constant whining online and begging, and great "helps" from friend,
Who either gifted me the "ingredients" needed to achieve the "level-up", or, "trade" the ingredients with me…

Finally~~~ finally I got it…
Though, I get the Lounge Bar first…
But don't you think, the Sushi Bar's really cute??

Sharing: The Mayonnaise Jar...

He rarely forwards stuff to me, unless it's really a "must-read"… ^_^...

The Mayonnaise Jar
              When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
                        When 24 hours in a day is not enough;
                  remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

                    A professor stood before his philosophy class
                         and had some items in front of him.
                          When the class began, wordlessly,
                 he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
                       and started to fill it with golf balls.
                   He then asked the students if the jar was full.
                              They agreed that it was.

              The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
                     it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
           The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
                          He then asked the students again
                      if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
                     The professor next picked up a box of sand
      and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else
           He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded
                              With an unanimous 'yes.'

         The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table
              and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively
                      filling the empty space between the sand.
                                The students laughed.

                'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
            'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

               The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
                  children, health, friends, and favorite passions
                       Things that if everything else was lost
               and only they remained, your life would still be full.

       The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car..

                           The sand is everything else --
                                  The small stuff.

               'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued,
                'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
                               The same goes for life.

              If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
                  You will never have room for the things that are
                                  important to you.

          Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
                              Play with your children.
                         Take time to get medical checkups.
                          Take your partner out to dinner.
                              There will always be time
                    to clean the house and fix the dripping tap.

                        'Take care of the golf balls first --
                           The things that really matter.
                    Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

                         One of the students raised her hand
                      and inquired what the coffee represented.

                                The professor smiled.
                                'I'm glad you asked'.

        It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
         there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'

                      Please share this with other "Golf Balls"

                                  I just did......

Best bookmark manager?? ie. myself… ^_^

I deleted the whole chunk of my bookmark on my firefox browser…
Ya, cos, I suspect, it's the continuous syncing of the xmarks, firefox seems to be a little bit slow…
And I also have decided that, I don't really make full use of those whatever bookmarks that I've bookmarked throughout these years…
It's a full compilation of my bookmarks, on my IE, my twinhead (while I was using it extensively from year 2004-2006, the ibm thinkpad (the one at work, year 2007-2009) and so on…
I've only been using the fastdial bookmarks, the rest?? I can't even really perform a good search from it, so, I decided to export it, archive it, and delete it… clean all~~~

Then, I started to think, those that I don't really bookmark in the fastdial (oh, it's another firefox extension) I actually kinda remember the url, ok, cos, they're easy to remember…
So, my conclusion is, my ownself's the best bookmark manager, I can just remember, and type it down, without thinking twice…
Afterall, those I rarely use, I really rarely use, whenever I needed some updated information, I'll resolve back to google search again,
Cos, information's changing so fast these days…
Even my bookmarks, which was maybe, "recorded" years ago, may not be valid anymore, therefore, I've to say, maybe mor ethan 80% of them, are actually not useful…

Lastly those that I've been following up a lot, on frequent basis, ie. daily…
I actually read them off google reader…
So, I don't really need to access to any bookmark manager extensively now…


SCIM Setup

I keep forgetting how to setup (I mean the step-by-step) and that, I decide to blog about it, for my own reference.. Hehe..
Else, I'll have to keep going to my email, and start digging the email interchange between my otaku brother allen, and myself… arrgh…
And more than half of the emails are things like,
"how AH?",
"how come don't work?"
"like that MIE?"

If you're interested in having an ubuntu, and you still need to use chinese input like me,
There're iBus, gcin, but then since I'm used to SCIM, so, I'll stick to it, though it's not the best solution for chinese input…
I don't bother trying out the rest cos, after researching online, they're not much much more better either…

The description is not the best and detailed setup description, but then, it does serve a very good reminder to me…
I keep forgetting the step 3, and that, my "smart pinyin" doesn't show up...

1.system -> language support

2.terminal -> sudo gedit /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim
-> the line GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE value, should be "xim", change to "scim" (without quotes).

3. terminal -> sudo apt-get install scim-pinyin

4. preference -> SCIM Input Method Setup

My second Cloth Diaper Review… ++

ok, I've to say, I waited nearly half a year for this new generation of KS diaper... HALF A YEAR!! in fact, I wanted to buy more of KS3.0 when I figured out they're good night diaper for my baby, but I discovered them too late, they're all out-of-stock,
so, within this half a year, what did I do? I ventured into Knickernappies, they've good, I've to say, but for a price of RM90, and the cutting is a bit small...
so, I only own one!

KS diaper's never failed to be the top within the local brands, though, GH diaper's also upgraded to 2nd and 3rd generation, but then, I will never ever consider using them as NIGHT DIAPER!
a night diaper, where you know, the next day, you won't find any leak, and baby's comfortable in it,
I'm not a very hardworking mom, and also, I'd like to have my baby to sleep through the night, and the morning, so far, with KS3.0, I added another doubler on top, (ie. 3 layers) and it lasted for nearly 12-13 hours!

The day I received my first value pack of KS4.0, if feel solid, yep, what I've practices so far, after >1 year of cloth-diapering my baby, which I truly enjoy, as my friend in Australia said, it's ADDICTING! but I'm a person who likes solid colour! for some reason, so, my first pack of KS4.0 - white, blue, pink...

I thought KS4.0 will be just slightly different from KS3.0, em... like GH diaper (they've changed to better pattern, but I'm not a pattern person) but KS4.0 is all different from the previous generation...

While I was prepping the diaper, ie. few washes, I notice, the "inner" kinda dry slower...
and I thought, hm, "what is this??"

but anyway, I still proceed to try them out, now, my personal finding is,
I do know the reason KS call it a hybrid diaper, it's bamboo + cotton,
but in my opinion, the hybrid means to me,
what else can I ask for?
cos, there was once, I actually wanted to go fitted, the only thing that let me back off is that, fitted, you need cover,
but now, coincidently, KS delivered just what I needed, fitted, cos, I've used sugar peas fitted, I actually like the "natural" feel of it, and the inner of KS4.0 gives me exactly the feel... needless to mention the much improved soaker, which is way different from the previous generation,
the soaker, is like leeches which sucks up one's blood... gory definition, but the soaker definitely is very thirsty soaker...

at least, now, those diaper that make me "suffer" at night, I can even TRADE IN with all my purchase... kekeke... better still, I need to go dig out more, and trade in, mark my word...

one thing lack of is,
I really wish wish wish that, KS will offer more colour, as I'm a fan of solid colour, and let me tell you this, with the price that KS's offering (serious!! such good value for money), if one day, they're offering 10 colours or more, I'll buy all of them without any doubt!
in the end, we all need one diaper that can last long, not something that, after a few washes, it'll be loosen,
another thing about KS diaper, even the generation 3.0, I've mentioned many time is that, their gusset design is lovely, that's what you really want, for night time nappy, and it's solid..
especially when baby grows older and wiggle so much, my baby, after few moves, say, if I put on a disposable diaper for her, or other looser type of cloth diapers, the diaper will just NOT SNUG nicely, and it'll have gaps, ie. leak!! ie. I suffer!

lastly, serious, KS4.0 comes to me, just right in time, cos, baby's diet changes, and the urine kinda give her mild rashes, I've tried all sorts of diaper-compatible brands, all didn't work well... I mean, to get rid of the rash, in the end, I still need to use the from-the-store, mothercare diaper cream, after rescuing the rash with BUDS SOOTHING ORGANICS Nappy Rash Rescue Cream! (oh, KS has it!) and hehe, I know most of the other people will say, we can't use conventional nappy cream from the store with cloth diaper, but like I said, since the inner has changed in KS4.0, a thin layer of it, actually doesn't give any leak!!

serious! now I'm busy looking for older/not-working/bought-wrongly diapers, to trade-in!

But I plead to the store owner, to offer more colour...!! then my night diaper collection will be perfect, and some other brand like rumparooz, can retire.. (happy heinys have long "retired" to be night diaper, they've gone to the "playtime" dpaper stash, ie. not >3 hours, I hate their velcro, the tape kinda get "mashed up" after a few wash) and both rumparooz, happy heinys, the elastic bands, I'm not sure if they can last 3-4 years! but I'm sure KS diapers will... like I said, when you hold something solid in hands, you'll know... for eg. bumgenius, and knickernappies, they're nicely solid, but how much do they cost?

Sharing: 2 Wolves


One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

"One is Evil -
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt,
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."

"The other is Good -
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:

" Which wolf wins ?"

The old Cherokee simply replied,

" The one you feed."

(he got it from some email forwards)


Joanna Miller...

Ya, Jane Lynch is her name…
Ok, I'm not going to talk about Glee, cos, everybody's talking about it,
But I just have to mention about Glee, cos, everybody's mentioning about it…
I've seen so many round of advertisement, trailers, people's tweet, about Glee…
And that, I keep seeing her face…
Not because of Glee, but because of this face,
It just look soooooooooooooooooooo bloody familiar…
And who?????????
Then… one day, "light bubble glows on my head", this is the face I've seen in boston legal…
And oh!! This is the woman who measures Alan Shore's pants!!!
(I think, Denny Crane also requested his pants to be measured too, once! Can't remember which episode!! Haha… I kinda like the idea of "measuring pants")

And~~ this is her, Jane Lynch! As Joanna Miller, the sex therapist!

know it's very "jakun" to say… but we're having a new toy in our household, ie. an ipod touch… ^_^ and I'm thrilled!!

Hahaha, ya, come to think of it, we're kinda "thrifty", though, I never regard myself as a thrifty person,
To buy a new notebook, I thought so long, now, I've decided not to give it a go,
To buy a sewing machine, so that, I can start learning how to sew, till today, I've not even pursued and decided on one yet,
To buy more additional harddisk, to backup our photos, especially from the canon eos, we've not really added any, though, we keep talking about it…
And needless to say, he's using a phone provided by the company, and I'm still on my SE W880i… why change? It's still functioning…
As long as our gadgets are still working, seriously, we can't persuade ourselves to spend that few thousands dollars, just for a change, or, to keep up with the trend…

Our TV set, not LCD, not LED, or whatever D, (now the talk is 3D), have sent for repair once, but it's still going strong, that’s why it's still sittting there, happily…

Our casio exilim, the battery's gone case, it failed to be charged, I went to the shop, asked if they've the battery pack that I can buy, they asked, "what year?", I said, 2008!! Hey!! It's only merely 2 years ago, ok~~~????
They said, "so old already, we don't have!!"

Yes, I know, a lot of people,
Change car on regular basis,
Change handphone on regular basis,
Change notebook on regular basis,
Change TV on regular basis,
But, it's just not so regular for us!!

After talking for so long, thinking for so long, contemplating for so long,
And after I've decided not to change my notebook, cos, I've a good PC sitting at home for me to use, and I'm a stay-at-home-mom/wife, ie. I'm not always on-the-go anymore, is there any reason why I need a notebook?? No, I can't find a reason for myself,
Though my twinhead efio's still slow, still loud, and still making hell-a-lot-of noise, it's still working~~
Ya, in a way, after giving it a ubuntu linux boost!! It's working happily, though still loud, still noisy… ^_^
(and, now I've this urge to try out the new linux, ie. linuxmint… ooh…)

And after so long…
Today, we've finally swiped our card, and get the cheapest ipod touch, ie. the 8GB one,
Even though this is considered an out-dated product to be purchased, (people are talking about iphone4, yorr~~~)
But then, I've to say,
I'm very happy and excited about having this new piece of gadget, and of course, I really feel very appreciative about having it…
In fact… the very reason of buying one, which will make everybody shakes their head is…
So that baby can play with it…
And the cheapest? Cos, it's for baby to play with it, while we can use it in those free-wifi place…
No important information will be stored in it, anything can be deleted, cos, baby's good at deleting stuff… (just like me!! I remember I deleted/removed the whole lot of processed geophysical data in our server, in my first job; and why on earth our sys-admin actually allow a user to have the permission do remove the data? So, I don't think it's my fault, though, I felt guilty bad that, well, I felt guilty, it's because I didn't have much IT knowledge at that time, that's why I deleted the data on the server side, and that's why I felt guilty, but now, I've slightly more knowledge about this server/client relationship, and all the permission talk, so, I don't feel guilty anymore!!)

Oh, back to our new gadget…
Well… it's still sitting happily, but idly on my workdesk, cos, I've not loaded any apps yet…
Will search for one, later today…

Up till now, I've only managed to finished whatever I'm supposed to jot down, (ya, I write down all the "inspired" topic, things to talk about on my onenote, then I can write lengthy about them…, ie. jobs I give to myself!)
All because baby's refused to sleep the night before, and I lost all my personal time... (ya, sitting in front of PC, browing people blogs, play some fb games…)
And I don't have to mentioned, I was quite upset about it, that, I let baby cried… cos, she just refused to go back to her sleep, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!

Oh, the previous paragraph's simply, just to explain why I don't have time to search for the apps… ^_^



New "Game" ~ "Counter" attack...

Just the other day, I came across an article, saying that, we should not frame our children with any negative comments,
For eg. "she's stubborn", or "she's naughty"… etc.
So, I was sharing this piece of news with him,
As I've always shared articles like this with him, about behaviour, about personality, about building characters, my point to him is,
I want him to sometimes remind me if I've not done so and so,
It's really not so much as, "ok, today I tell you, you remember, and you should do it, or, one day, I'll catch you", no, it's ever like this,
And as I've told him, it's actually for him to remind me,
Cos, I foresee myself as somebody who'll fumble, more often than he will…

And that, we kinda started this game…
Which I actually thought, is quite interesting, cos, it encourages and trains us, as parents, as adults, or as just somebody, to view things from different point of view…

One of the eg. I saw is,
As stated above, "stubborn", we can "counter" by saying that, our kid has "persistency"…

Just today,
I was kinda "scolding" baby, (one of those friendly rant, about her)
That's she's getting more and more naughty, ie. won't listen to what big mama says…
Before I actually said out the full sentence, ie. the word, "naughty",
I "switched gear", and said, "you're getting more and more of having your own opinion!",
Wa ha!! (O.o)

And when he wanted to complain that, she always has to struggle whenever we try to carry her sitting down.. (ya, she doesn't want to sit still),
He complained, and looked at me, expecting me to counter…
So, I said, "baby, you're very active eh!"…

Ok… it's kinda fun… ^_^