
Everybody has a Ground

Recently I noticed… well… I’ve posted a similar topic in Chinese before, however, that’s when I heard some little short story on air, and then, I felt it, I wrote… however, today… ^_^, again, I noticed…

Everybody has a ground, regardless how smart/stupid, great/small we think we are, or, as hard as we try to be opened-minded, we still have our own ground.

We thus, will always judge with our own standard, by our own understanding, our own knowledge, our own KNOW, THINK, AIM.
And we thus, will consciously, or subconsciously expect the others to fit into our ‘ruling’…
“By right…. Bla bla bla”
“he/she should have… bla bla bla”

I’m very easily irritated by tonnes and tonnes of complaints, to me, it’s either “take it or leave it”, (ya, sadly, but truly, that’s my ground) and “do it, or quit!!!”
I really will not have patient entertaining cry-baby who whine and whine and non-stop…
And the most I couldn’t careless, is when there’s somebody who likes or have the habit to impose their own knowledge, understanding, to others…

Anyway, maybe I should just stand firm on my own ground, cos, we all can’t leave the ground anyway, and… keep quiet ^x^V